[情報] 0320 上市櫃股票週轉率排行

看板Stock (股票)作者 (who is the man)時間17小時前 (2025/03/20 23:19), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 15小時前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
上市 排行 股票名稱 收盤價 漲跌 漲跌幅 成交量 周轉率 1 6558興能高 61.10 +0.20 +0.33% 32,897 38.05% 2 3605宏致 68.80 +3.20 +4.88% 40,649 28.65% 3 2429銘旺科 65.20 +5.90 +9.95% 22,454 26.81% 4 2453凌群 73.10 +6.60 +9.92% 22,151 22.15% 5 6117迎廣 112.00 +1.00 +0.90% 19,708 21.76% 6 2468華經 44.55 +4.05 +10.00% 14,748 21.08% 7 2471資通 61.00 +3.20 +5.54% 8,670 18.35% 8 8222寶一 45.45 +0.35 +0.78% 12,083 17.62% 9 1316上曜 17.35 +1.55 +9.81% 61,676 16.85% 10 3450聯鈞 278.00 +6.50 +2.39% 20,127 13.82% 資料來源:http://tinyurl.com/yweranfz 上櫃 排行 股票名稱 收盤價 漲跌 漲跌幅 成交量 周轉率 1 8111立碁 68.90 +4.30 +6.66% 151,177 138.56% 2 4931新盛力 90.30 +3.00 +3.44% 68,554 104.43% 3 3323加百裕 42.70 +3.40 +8.65% 47,833 51.13% 4 4541晟田 43.85 +0.15 +0.34% 26,548 39.24% 5 8088品安 35.00 +0.20 +0.57% 22,917 37.62% 6 3163波若威 196.50 +17.50 +9.78% 29,442 36.56% 7 8096擎亞 71.50 +0.50 +0.70% 45,620 30.55% 8 1569濱川 77.50 +2.50 +3.33% 35,486 29.22% 9 3162精確 60.80 +2.90 +5.01% 36,173 27.73% 10 4303信立 90.50 +8.20 +9.96% 21,186 26.87% 資料來源:http://tinyurl.com/mahe699z 何謂股票週轉率? 來源:http://tinyurl.com/5n6m3kpv 原來的外資投信同買排行連結 來源: https://tinyurl.com/2wxfc657 以上 謝謝 -- "When you live in the right way or you just given everything to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's not supposed to make sense but it just happens" LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1742483992.A.FB9.html

03/21 01:25, 15小時前 , 1F
8111被沖爛了 當沖比率88%
03/21 01:25, 1F
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