
看板StudyGroup (讀書會)作者時間19年前 (2006/04/27 01:16), 編輯推噓0(000)
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1. 自介:喜愛英文的上班族(畢業於政大商學院MBA) 2. 對象:以彭蒙惠雜誌為閱讀交流的英文喜好者。 對英文即有興趣,能自動自發進修者。 3. 目標:透過彭蒙惠 advanced 雜誌的文章安排     以達到長期且有系統增強對於英語新聞,文章或討論區快速閱讀吸收的能力。 4. 原因:現成員為 3-4人。 5. 地點:台北捷運站附近的咖啡店或餐廳。 6. 時間:第二次為本週星期日 2006/4/30 0930-1130,每兩週一次。 7. 方式:全程原則以英語進行,這次我們有兩位 host 帶領大家分享閱讀。 詳情可見 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/EngSG 8. 範圍:依彭蒙惠雜誌規範的文章進度。 9. 人數限制:一次 5-8人 10.解散條件:人數少於3人 11.運作規則:可參考本版第 132 篇及 191 篇。        但隨時會以大家意見作調整, 但若不克前來,煩請提前電話告知。 12.聯絡方式:本週五前來信至站內信箱,並附簡介與手機。 13.簡易會記: I hope the moderator of this board will allow my post at this type right here....//bow 4/16(Sunday) and 4/17(Monday) I had great and warm experiences about two English Study Groups, One is mine and the other one is Doris's group, but it is really a pity that I have to focus on one group just because my rare time and busy life style. (So I have to say sorry to Doris and her study group also great, too) Our group take place on Sunday Morning twice a week and talk about Advanced English Magazine published by English Studio Classroom http://www.studioclassroom.com.tw/ad/index.php and we also create a blog to record our shares and feels about our study comments or questions we may face, may be it's just a start trigger to join this group but I guess we are moving on the right way to enhance our English ability in the future. Practices really can make your speaking and writing pop up fluently. and those may dominate your future profit or income for your life no matter in spirit or real cash flows... hope see you at Sunday or share your feelings at our blog, we will be appreciate very much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 以上各項均為必填,得於實際開會後由所有成員投票調整。 發起人是比較辛苦的,就好像你要帶一群人出去玩一樣,你必須知道你帶誰?去哪裡?去 玩什麼?要給他們行前通知。 所有的條件可以定的很寬鬆,也可以定的很嚴格,但無論如何請仔細填寫。 明確就是力量,當你越知道你要的是什麼,你就越容易找到你要的。 事先的規劃跟準備可以節省你許多不必要的糾紛與麻煩。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: murwhin 來自: (04/27 02:16)
文章代碼(AID): #14JwhJzH (StudyGroup)
文章代碼(AID): #14JwhJzH (StudyGroup)