[行前] 請問有關VVR?

看板StudyinNL (荷蘭留學)作者 (自立與存在)時間18年前 (2006/07/30 11:46), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
想請問一下有關VVR,因為我在荷蘭教育中心的討論版看到以下的資訊: 1. This year IND changes the "residence permit" rules 2. Students won't have to report to neither the Police office nor the City Hall within 3 days. For every student, who arrives in NL, the 1st thing they have to do is to call "IND" and make a personal appointment. 3. Then, IND sends to the applicant's address an envelope, which has one form of TBC test. 4. Make a appointment with the local HHD and they will sign on the TBC test form. 5. Then, after the appointment, IND will put one sticker on the applicant's passport. 6. Present the passport to the local Tax Office and the applicant will get a "Sofi Number" 7. After the applicant obtains the "Sofi Number", he/she can go to any bank to open an account. However, this rule won't apply to students of Delft or any students, whom their schools have helped through all these processes.For a normal student, like Hague's, please bring more money (cash / travel's check ).Remittance Check won't help since it takes 1 months or so to open a bank account and cash this remittance check. 但是簽證組在我的最近拿到的MVV旁邊,寫的還是「請於入境荷蘭後,三天之內,到居住 地的市政廳及外事警察局報到,換取居留證(VVR)」,所以目前到底應該是用哪一種? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/30 18:18, , 1F
07/30 18:18, 1F
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