Re: [行前] 請問有關VVR?

看板StudyinNL (荷蘭留學)作者 (Muse)時間18年前 (2006/07/30 18:25), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《pila (自立與存在)》之銘言: : 想請問一下有關VVR,因為我在荷蘭教育中心的討論版看到以下的資訊: : 1. This year IND changes the "residence permit" rules : 2. Students won't have to report to neither the Police office nor the City Hall : within 3 days. For every student, who arrives in NL, the 1st thing they have : to do is to call "IND" and make a personal appointment. : 3. Then, IND sends to the applicant's address an envelope, which has one form : of TBC test. : 4. Make a appointment with the local HHD and they will sign on the TBC test : form. : 5. Then, after the appointment, IND will put one sticker on the applicant's : passport. : 6. Present the passport to the local Tax Office and the applicant will get a : "Sofi Number" : 7. After the applicant obtains the "Sofi Number", he/she can go to any bank to : open an account. However, this rule won't apply to students of Delft or any : students, whom their schools have helped through all these processes.For a : normal student, like Hague's, please bring more money (cash / travel's check : ).Remittance Check won't help since it takes 1 months or so to open a bank : account and cash this remittance check. 上面的英文順序應該是對的,新法於今年五月中通過開始實施 不過現在荷蘭政府內閣有點問題...這移民法還不知道會不會繼續適用 : 但是簽證組在我的最近拿到的MVV旁邊,寫的還是「請於入境荷蘭後,三天之內,到居住 : 地的市政廳及外事警察局報到,換取居留證(VVR)」,所以目前到底應該是用哪一種? 簽證組的中文說明太簡單了,事實上每個城鎮的做法都有差異 我們是到的那一天去市政廳報到,不用去外事警察局 但是我們的sticker,也就是等待居留證前用的臨時證明 卻是到IND去貼,不過我們是屬於高知識移民 若是念博士的話,學校就可能以這個身份幫你申辦MVV 一般學生到市政廳去報到還會拿到一份英文申請VTV表格 這才是正式的申請居留證表格,運氣好送出去繳費三個月就可以拿到 其他拖個半年一年的也很常見 總之,來荷蘭後要辦的行政事務還多得很 能問就多問!拼命問就對了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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