[面試] 幾間面試請益

看板Tech_Job (科技人)作者 ([35P][Nekko][NoUsagi])時間1天前 (2025/02/20 14:50), 1天前編輯推噓2(6413)
留言23則, 9人參與, 1天前最新討論串1/1
各位年薪300萬前輩大家好 小弟我近期收到以下幾個職缺面試邀請,想問問看面試會考什麼,或是有哪些地方可以注意 本人桃園某間私學 中字碩 研究方向是AI 技能大多點在軟體上 沒碰過嵌入式 但是有碰過一些Linux Kernel 會一點C 比較熟C++/Python 1. P 職稱: AI Design Verification Engineer JD: - Design system/whitebox verification method of the middleware alogrithm on AI s - Design whitebox verification of the AI related firmware algorithm on AI system - Failure Analysis of AI related middleware or firmware algorithm 2.R 職稱:多媒體事業群-軟體工程師(DevOps) JD: 1. Bachelor's degree in EE/CS or similar. 2. Familiar with Linux environment and Python programming language. 3. Familiar with Gerrit and Jenkins. 4. Familiar with SDLC, SSDLC, DevOps, DevSecOpts, CI/CD. 5. Preferred Qualifications: (1) Experience in DevOps tool usage, maintain, or management. (2) Experience in SQA, SSA. (3) Good communication skill and trouble-shooting ability. 3.華晶科 職稱:AI演算法工程師 JD: 1. Develop and optimize image processing algorithms, including but not limited to image segmentation, enhancement, feature extraction, etc. 2. Apply generative AI techniques (e.g., GANs) to create and improve image/video. 3. Design and implement deep learning models, conducting experiments and fine-tuning to improve image processing and performance. 4. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to apply AI technologies to real-world business problems. 5. Stay updated with the latest AI research trends and explore how cutting-edge technologies can be applied to company products. 6. Write efficient, maintainable code and produce technical documentation and reports. 4.點序科技 職稱:韌體工程師 JD: 1. Team player 2. Familiarity with micro-controller/micro-processor architecture 3. 8051/ARM/Tensilica/RTOS/ experience 4. SoC/IC HW/SW co-development experience 5. Windows/Linux programming experience 6. USB/Flash memory card/eMMC/SSD/SATA/PCIe experience is a plus 5.智易 職稱:雲端工程師 JD: 1.Familiar with Cloud service 2.At least 2 years working experience in software development ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1740034216.A.F22.html ※ 編輯: OhYiDay ( 臺灣), 02/20/2025 14:51:51 ※ 編輯: OhYiDay ( 臺灣), 02/20/2025 14:52:29

02/20 14:52, 1天前 , 1F
迪卡搬運工喔 誰看得出來你頭上哪
02/20 14:52, 1F
抱歉 已經改了

02/20 14:52, 1天前 , 2F
02/20 14:52, 2F
※ 編輯: OhYiDay ( 臺灣), 02/20/2025 14:53:04 ※ 編輯: OhYiDay ( 臺灣), 02/20/2025 14:56:03 ※ 編輯: OhYiDay ( 臺灣), 02/20/2025 14:56:42

02/20 14:56, 1天前 , 3F
我記得 中央不是有一位AI大神嗎?
02/20 14:56, 3F
確實有學長挺厲害的 但是不知道跟你說的是不是同一人

02/20 14:56, 1天前 , 4F
02/20 14:56, 4F
※ 編輯: OhYiDay ( 臺灣), 02/20/2025 14:57:29

02/20 14:58, 1天前 , 5F
02/20 14:58, 5F

02/20 15:02, 1天前 , 6F
02/20 15:02, 6F

02/20 15:20, 1天前 , 7F
02/20 15:20, 7F

02/20 15:27, 1天前 , 8F
你應該去Soft job版問 那邊才是軟體
02/20 15:27, 8F
其實我韌體投蠻多的 只是都沒收到邀請QQ 想說都是科技業就發在這了

02/20 15:27, 1天前 , 9F
02/20 15:27, 9F
※ 編輯: OhYiDay ( 臺灣), 02/20/2025 15:52:22 ※ 編輯: OhYiDay ( 臺灣), 02/20/2025 15:53:13

02/20 15:57, 1天前 , 10F
不是啊 你做AI的跟韌體有什麼關係
02/20 15:57, 10F

02/20 15:57, 1天前 , 11F
02/20 15:57, 11F

02/20 15:57, 1天前 , 12F
除非你做底層數學計算的 但這也跟A
02/20 15:57, 12F

02/20 15:57, 1天前 , 13F
02/20 15:57, 13F

02/20 15:59, 1天前 , 14F
應用層的AI IC設計也有缺 但是還是
02/20 15:59, 14F

02/20 15:59, 1天前 , 15F
跟韌體無關啊 你線性代數跟機率成
02/20 15:59, 15F

02/20 15:59, 1天前 , 16F
02/20 15:59, 16F

02/20 16:12, 1天前 , 17F
02/20 16:12, 17F

02/20 17:31, 1天前 , 18F
02/20 17:31, 18F

02/20 17:32, 1天前 , 19F
這樣發問讓人很難回答XDD 只能說抱
02/20 17:32, 19F

02/20 17:32, 1天前 , 20F
02/20 17:32, 20F

02/20 19:43, 1天前 , 21F
02/20 19:43, 21F

02/20 19:43, 1天前 , 22F
02/20 19:43, 22F

02/20 20:49, 1天前 , 23F
02/20 20:49, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1djj2eyY (Tech_Job)
文章代碼(AID): #1djj2eyY (Tech_Job)