[心得] CIEE口試心得

看板WorkanTravel (打工旅遊)作者 (achun)時間16年前 (2008/10/30 13:14), 編輯推噓5(505)
留言10則, 5人參與, 最新討論串15/16 (看更多)
12:32電話響了,是Chavis打來的 感覺超短 不過也講了快五分鐘 以下是口試內容 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我:HELLOW C:hellow is this Susan? 我:yeah ,this is susan(我從頭到尾都在講yeah~you know~) C:i'm from ciee , do u know who i am? 我:um....keven?? C:no~~i'm chavis 我:ooooh~hellow chavis C:why do u think i'm keven 我:i don't know~keven or chavis i guess C:OK~why do u know me 我:oh~i saw many people talked about u on the internet C:woo~did they say anything about me? 我:they said u are kind~ C:really?anything bad? 我:so far...no! C:that's good i hope x&#@%(希望能維持的意思) 我:hahaa~ C:so where are u ? 我:i'm in the dormitory. C:what's the dorm like? 我:very big ,so far the best i've ever seen C:do u have a bathroom inside? 我:yeah~a bathroom~and a showeroom(根本沒這個字的樣子,不過他有聽懂) C:that's nice .how many people lives there? 我:four people C:and u think it's big enough? 我:yes it is C:so what are u going to do in the after noon? 我:i have a class at 2 C:and evening? 我:i'm going home. C:u don't have any class tomorrow? 我:no,i didn't take any class. C:where's ur home? 我:taipei C:what do u usually do in the weekend? 我:in the morning i ride a bike with my parents C:where do u go? 我:to 淡水 C:where's ur home? 我:near by 大安森林公園 C:cool ~i used ride there , too.but now it's too many people 我:yeah i know,that's why i ride on friday morning C:OK~nice talking to u 我:nice talking to u too C:have a nice weekend with ur parents. 我:u too -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 就這樣講完了 我比較不會的題目都沒問XD超幸運 Chavis 腔調我覺得還好 而且他也蠻愛笑的 跟他講話很輕鬆 我pardon了兩次 反而是等他打來的時候我緊張到快吐了 一直在宿舍衝來衝去 希望會過希望會過希望會過~ 因為我想去美國阿~ 最後 希望a大你的同學能補上~實現你們壯烈的夢想! 還等候捕的同學也是 加油 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/30 16:11, , 1F
我今天一開始接到電話 完全聽不懂他一開始在獎啥>"<
10/30 16:11, 1F

10/30 20:24, , 2F
10/30 20:24, 2F

10/31 00:20, , 3F
你前半段跟我講的一樣耶XDD 我也是說我在網路上知道他
10/31 00:20, 3F

10/31 00:20, , 4F
XDDDDD 他回答的也一模一樣~ 是沒梗了的意思XDD
10/31 00:20, 4F

10/31 01:33, , 5F
10/31 01:33, 5F

10/31 01:35, , 6F
10/31 01:35, 6F

10/31 12:04, , 7F
A大的同學是我表姊XD 但補上的機率似乎很低~
10/31 12:04, 7F

10/31 18:17, , 8F
哈 原PO唸中正?
10/31 18:17, 8F

11/01 00:13, , 9F
11/01 00:13, 9F

11/02 18:24, , 10F
哈 以前念那 現在要有冷氣又更高級了
11/02 18:24, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #192KAjJ5 (WorkanTravel)
文章代碼(AID): #192KAjJ5 (WorkanTravel)