Re: [問題] Dimetriose(黛美痊)用法

看板pharmacist (藥學生/藥師)作者 (小書生)時間16年前 (2008/04/08 01:33), 編輯推噓0(001)
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※ 引述《Aflowers (我又被砍了)》之銘言: : 又要麻煩版上的各位高手了~~ : 這個藥物的用法是每週兩次 每次服用一顆 : 仿單上寫 在月經第一天跟第四天服用 其後固定那兩天吃 : 病人今天就醫時月經已經是第五天了 我該怎麼辦? : 病人沒有服用過此種藥物 : 醫生請他今天吃 第二顆星期四再服用 之後就是固定一四服用 : 這樣是對的嗎? 還是要等下一次週期在開始吃? 基本上這樣服用應該是沒有太大的問題。 附上micromedex的資料提供您做參考 Gestrinone is a synthetic steroidal hormone reported to have androgenic, anti-oestrogenic, and antiprogestogenic properties. It is used in the treatment of endometriosis (Danazol) in doses of 2.5 mg twice weekly by mouth; the first dose is taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle with the second dose taken three days later; thereafter the doses should be taken on the same two days of each week, usually for a period of 6 months. If a dose is missed it should be given as soon as possible and the original dose sequence maintained thereafter; if 2 or more doses are missed gestrinone should be stopped and restarted on the first day of a new cycle after a negative pregnancy test. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/09 00:39, , 1F
04/09 00:39, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #17-bhm-d (pharmacist)
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文章代碼(AID): #17-bhm-d (pharmacist)