Re: [問題] 全民英檢選擇題
根據OALD 的解釋also 同時具有in addition 與too的意思 甚至也有as well的意思
also adverb
(not used with negative verbs)
in addition; too
Also is more formal than as well and too, and it usually comes before the
main verb or after be: I went to New York last year, and I also spent some
time in Washington. In British English it is not usually used at the end of
a sentence. Too is much more common in spoken and informal English. It is
usually used at the end of a sentence:
I’m going home now.
I’ll come too.
In British English as well is used like too, but in North American English
it sounds formal or old-fashioned.
When you want to add a second negative point in a negative sentence, use
She hasn’t phoned and she hasn’t written either.
If you are adding a negative point to a positive one, you can use
not…as well/too:
You can have a burger, but you can’t have fries as well.
題目的最後一句也是用了too, 如果此時也選用aslo ( 當in addition解釋) 雖然也是可以
反之若選Even 就無此顧忌
但若是仔細查看even 的用法時就會發現英語中的even 是帶有意出乎預料或令人吃驚的
意思 是屬於有點小負面含意 或是用在加強語氣 或與其他事物做比較時 使用
even adverb
1 used to emphasize something unexpected or surprising
He never even opened the letter (= so he certainly didn't read it).
It was cold there even in summer (= so it must have been very cold in winter).
Even a child can understand it (= so adults certainly can).
She didn't even call to say she wasn't coming.
2 used when you are comparing things, to make the comparison stronger
You know even less about it than I do.
She's even more intelligent than her sister.
3 used to introduce a more exact description of somebody/something
It's an unattractive building, ugly even.
中文的"甚至" 相較 英文的"even" 來說較中性 沒有只帶負面的情況
因此乍看之下 會感覺even 好像會比also 好 (我一開始就是這樣覺得)
但查了一下英英字典後感覺even 好像不是用在太正面的句子或情況
選aslo則雖然有in addition的意思 但也有too/as well的意思 會跟原句的too產生問題
選even 則在上下文中 並不是需求負面加強 也沒有特別感到驚訝或與其他事物做比較
如果真的要選 可能選aslo會好一點 不過最好出題者 把句尾的 too拿掉會更好
選擇also是因為它沒有用錯 只是語意可能跟too弄混
但如果這是對話的句子,說者只要在also後停一下,變成 also, ....這個also
聽起來就會比較像in addition 所以雖不滿意但可接受
不選even 是因為根本沒有否定或負面或驚訝的情況
不過在別的情況下 用even 可能好過用aslo 如
Billy was a very bad boy. He used to be the biggest trouble maker in
his class. He gave troubles to his teacher all the time. Eveyone in his class
hated him so much, especially his teacher. However, after the car accident,
Billy changed. He realized how bad he was and decided to behave himself.
Now everyone in his class likes him.
Even his teacher starts to like him too.
上面使用even 可能會比較好 因為是把從前老師不喜歡跟現在老師開始喜歡做比較起加強
以上是我個人的看法 如果有說錯的地方 也請各位老師指教
※ 引述《whisperwhy (為什麼?)》之銘言:
: 各位老師晚安
: 剛剛我在備課的時候
: 遇到一個題目如下
: Billy was happy today because he went to a new school.
: All the other students in his calss were friendly to him.
: _______ his new teacher was very nice too.
: (a) Also (b)Even (c)However (d)Therefore
: 我選b
: 但是答案是a
: 想請問為什麼呢?
: 謝謝
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