Re: 誰能告訴我IgG IgM IgE在人體上的作用
※ 引述《 (轉出)》之銘言:
: 如題~~~~
: Thanks
IgM - Agglutination and complement activation
Defence against blood-borne spread of antigenically-complex
infectious organisms such as bacteria
IgG - Fetal and neonatal immunity
Neutralisation, complement activation, opsonisation and ADCC
Barrier against virus infections
IgE - When antigens such as allergens bind to basophil-associated
IgE, processes are activated that lead to the typical symptoms
of allergy or asthma
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∥▎▍╰╯╯╰╯╰╰╯▌╱▊ s.i.n.c.e
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