Re: [討論] 來討論一下剛出爐的 4/18 IELTS好嗎
這次流利多了 上次結結巴巴還有點緊張
神奇的是 這次他問的問題我都聽的懂 我想是因為他不照本子上的問題
而是用自己的方式敘述 很幸運這次問題都很基本
I am very glad that I am the second examinee…the earlier
the better… 他就笑說 it’s said so….
他有點小帥氣 而且態度還滿親切的 我進去之後就覺得心情滿放鬆的…
2.問我住哪 => 但不讓我多講家鄉事
3.Do you work or are u a student? =>
4.就接著問Do you think your job is difficult?
5.Do you use anything to assist your job?
6.接下來是問cooking ,
Q: How may hours do you think local people spend on cooking every day?
7.Do you cook by yourself?
我回答 Seldom. I’m quite busy,and the only thing I can cook is instant
noodles… => 考官就笑了一下說 I see… 害我有點……無言
例如說where do you get news? What kind of news are you interested in?
我回答喜歡比較輕鬆實用的新聞, 但是政治類的新聞我就不太喜歡
9. 老師馬上接著問why? => 我就說 Politics in Taiwan is too complicated , I don
’t like watch two parties argue on those issues that are not relevant to the
improvement of the country. 後來他就繼續問別的
**在考試當中 我覺得考官常常會從你的答案當中反問你 以確認你能夠繼續闡述你的想法
10. Do you think it’s important to keep up with the news?
11. Do you think it’s important for family to have dinner together?
回答=> Yes, definitely. => 考官追問WHY?
12.問客人來訪: Are there many visitors coming to your house?
13.When they come to visit you, what would you prepare for them?
14.In a year, what time do your visitors come to your place the most?
15.Do you visit guest?
=> I said: Yes, but I prefer to visit friends and relatives
我想他覺得我的回答怪怪的 所以就追問WHY?
=>I answered: In my opinion, to maintain the relationships between the family,
relatives, and friends is very important….
Who is a good cook?
What can he/she cook?
How does the person learn to cook?
上面的問題都不超過 cooking / eat out and cook less/ family relationship /
visitors to your house/ news …
而且他都很仔細聽我講 我覺得心裡舒坦多了 他對我的答案有反應
這次時間到了 我都覺得還好短 這次真的運氣好 希望能順利過關~
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※ 編輯: reggaebabe 來自: (04/19 12:52)
04/19 16:51, , 1F
04/19 16:51, 1F
04/19 18:56, , 2F
04/19 18:56, 2F
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04/19 19:09, 3F
※ 編輯: reggaebabe 來自: (04/19 23:45)
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