Re: [臺大研協]三"烏"鬥法~全國研究生助學金大嗆聲
※ 引述《 (白老鼠)》之銘言:
: 研究生為國家學術的命脈,亦是未來學界的棟樑,在邁向國際化的臺灣,教
: 育界的最頂端的學子教育當局您照顧到了嗎?研究生年齡至少在22歲(72年次)
: 以上,經濟上大多不靠家裡的支持,為生活所需必須靠助學金與打零工過生活,
: 教育部以往都有補助研究生固定足夠之助學金給研究生,當然研究生必須協助系
: 上工作,但由於大學設立的普及化造成資源分散,形成許多研究生的助學金領不
: 到的情況。助學金問題歸納如下:助學金太少、同校各系所助學金分配不一,助
: 學金太少迫使研究生淪落為教授之廉價勞工,公(研究案)、私(論文指導)不
: 能分明,學術品質自然降低,而到外面打工自然也剝削到研究時間。而助學金分
: 配不均,以臺大為例,目前是各系所自行決議均分研究生助學金的多寡,有些系
: 所人數較多形成僧多粥少的現象,有些系所甚至一個月只分到一千多元的助學金
: ,研究生的生活產生極大的壓力,如何再談學術品質。研究生在各研究單位中所
: 受到指導教授不公平的待遇,譬如幫教授作私事或當廉價勞工等是非常常見的,
: 但大多數的研究生為了學位多是敢怒而不敢言,如此惡性循環,臺灣的學術品質
: 即無法提升。
I can understand that every Taiwanese postgraduate all got such a financial
issue. However, you got to think:
1. If you decide to suspend your career, or whatever, to take a postgraduate
course, which will majorly benefit yourself. If you are doing a project
which nobody interested in it, why the government need to pay you money
for this? (Don't hassle on me, just think about the economic issue.)
2. Unless you are doing a project, which would benefit the government or
a third-party group, then you stand on a good position to ask payment from
benefiting group. However, such payment should at least under the
consideration of
a. the quality of the work.
b. the efforts spent on the research: the working hours and days.
c. the paying rate.
d. are the payment and duty all written in a contract, which one party fails
to deliver the duty could fact court judgement?
Once you start to think about these, you would soon find, there is not point
to give a same money to every postgraduate. Because, no postgraduates working
equally hard on their research, particularly in Taiwan, which the universities
are usually not well managed. Saying, if you are really a good student working
really hard, are you happy to get the same money as those who only work lasily?
Why not you get more and they get nothing?
Conversely, the school, or the government would have the equal right to
ask the students pay for their uses of the university resources. For example
students could use Internet to download something totally not related to
research, or to print a lot of stuffs not required for studies. They don't
even have to pay a cent for them?! I am sure the latter option would make more
progress on the progress in the country.
: 『要馬兒好,更要讓馬兒吃草』為解決根本之道,唯有解決研究生助學金問
: 題進而提升學術品質,雖然錢非萬能,但沒錢萬萬不能。最起碼要能解決研究生
: 之學費與生活問題,若教育當局在執行面產生問題,是否請思考『沒這麼多奶水
: ,就該考慮別生太多小孩』。
: 臺灣大學研究生協會會長 張源修 敬邀
Since protest became a culture in the country last century, there have been
too many protests every day, which ask for more and more and paying less and
less, until eventually they all get everything form nothing.
Think about it.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢參(
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