Re: 研究生的悲哀
※ 引述《PiPipig (PTT真是我的好夥伴!!)》之銘言:
: 我又來波文了
: 只是這次有這更深的無奈
: 猶記得當初系統架好還量不到訊號的時候
: 跟老師談判
: 老師說只要量到訊號就可以了
: 原定18口試
: 可是老師居然以論文寫太多頁
: 在口試會場上告訴我 不用口試了
: 回去再把論文改一改
: 老師看還是凹不到人留下來
: 改口說必須再完成另依各主題才放人
Go and get your student manual or university regulation.
They will tell you the upper limitation of total number of page or words.
Then, show them to your supervisor.
: 下星期一要口試
: 今天才跟我說
: 這會不會時間太充裕了一點?
If you don't agree this, or really have no time to do this,
Just say no then.
This is toally up to student, to be honest.
Let's assume, if the examiners agree you need to add something to fit the
requirements, are they going to fix you on a big cross and then burn you
straight away after the examination?
In that situation,
all you have to do is the correction, and that will be clearly written in
the report and filed at the university somewhere.
Once you done the correction, that is final.
: 老師知道我怕師母
: 所以老是在我面前莊好人
: 用師母來壓制我
I think this is your problem.
Why his wife cannot tell the other students to do anything but just you?
If I ask a question: who is your supervisor?
Are you going to answer her?
Even a supervisor, legally, can only suggest their students to do something,
(although in most situation, the students take those as orders)
the students don't have to follow every word from supervisor.
To argue with supervisor, you must know what is the requirements of a PhD.
If you know the requirements and pretty sure your thesis have reached that,
than, fill in the application form and tell him you want an exam.
I know you are going to ask me: What is the requirement of PhD?
This should not be a question from a student nearly finishing...
Anyway, the theses in the libraries or student manual are good starts.
: 現在的我只覺得有深深的悲哀
: 我同學裝病的裝當兵的軋力過大變成精神病的
: 都可以畢業了
: 只剩下我這正常人 只能在這裡埃聲嘆氣
: 難道只有瘋子跟裝可憐才能從這各所畢業嗎?
: 難道關大學問大 都沒有辦法整治教授嗎?
: 為什麼?為什麼?為什麼?
: 我好羨慕一些近來裝傻的學弟
: 每天生活過的好快樂
: 做的題目也很輕鬆
: 自己即使苦中作樂 也很難快樂
: 做的要死要活的 學長說 你又沒做出什麼
: 老師說 你做的又不夠傑出
: 雖然勉勵自己
: 跟老師談判 他說 你不做還有其他人會做不做拉島 捺現在又凹我 是怎樣?
: 師母說 我是所長 就算所有口試委員都簽名了 我不遷你還是拿不到畢業證書
Now I understand why she sounds so powerful.
(why didn't you state this clearly in the beginning?!)
But, so what? If all the examiners sign the paper, and finally, she doesn't
agree the decision, she must have a very strong reason to do this.
Else, if you go to appeal to the university, that can give her and her husband
a really very big trouble. If all the examiners approve your thesis,
I bet she won't do this, because this is totally not worthy to her!
: 到底是招誰惹誰了?
: 該做的我都做了
Do you think so?
How about the university regulation and student right?
Have you understood, and made the most use of, them?
You said you were very poor and helpless. However, have you attempted
every possibility to protect or to fight for yourself?
All I have seen are very negative opinions.
: 為什麼還是這樣被刁難?
: 都沒有辦法可以整治教授嗎?
: 難道只有死諫才能一嘗自己的心願嗎?
: 或許,明天我該拿一把刀子去老師的辦公室是嗎?
: 真的很悲哀
: 通通去死吧
: 可惡的教授
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