Re: [寫作班] 托福第4週 JennyQ-2

看板ST-English (英文科技寫作)作者 (Dee)時間17年前 (2008/03/14 04:17), 編輯推噓4(4010)
留言14則, 2人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《jennyQ (fitness)》之銘言: : 1. It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built : in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? : Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. : It would be so great to know that a new restaurant may be built in my : neighborhood! It's an exciting news for me, an eating-out person. When it : comes to eat, I'll bother with not knowing what to eat. For a full time eating ^^^^ *Consider "I always..." or "I often..." : student with lots of studies to do, it is impossible to cook at home, studying : and there is not much time for eating leisurely. So, I'll be glad to : welcome my new restaurant neighbor. : I am not a picky person about food, as long as the food is passable, : I would finish it. Cons quently, no matter what the restautant sells, so ^e : leng as their price are reasonable for me, I can accept to have one new long ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *Consider rephrasing this : restaurant choice. Since it will be built in my neighborhood, I can save : time from traffic. : However, having a new restaurant neighbor would be a bad idea if the : possessor of the restaurant doesn't care about how to treat nearby owner : environment. : Dumping out garbages and clamor of the guests would be bothersome events ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ xxxxxx the clamoring *If you're using "clamor" as a noun, this could mean the restaurant is "dumping out clamor", which makes no sense. Therefore, use the gerund form. : to neighbors. ^my (A restaurant is not residential, and the owner(s) might not live there, so the "residents" are your neighbors, not of the restaurant.) : Having a new lunch choice is fabulous to me. Only if the people working Unless... : in new restaurant pay attention to public affairs, I think there is no ^don't ^don't any : reason for me to oppose this plan. Written this way, this sentence might be a little easier to get. : [ thanks for any advice ] Your opinions are nicely expressed. Good article! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dvlin 來自: (03/14 04:20)

03/14 12:10, , 1F
thank you so much! I should be more deliberate.
03/14 12:10, 1F

03/14 12:16, , 2F
what about " I can accept the idea to have one..."?
03/14 12:16, 2F

03/14 12:17, , 3F
will it be more reasonable?
03/14 12:17, 3F

03/14 12:19, , 4F
"I can accept..." seems like you don't have an opinion
03/14 12:19, 4F

03/14 12:19, , 5F
about it either way.
03/14 12:19, 5F

03/14 12:19, , 6F
why can't I use "possesor"?
03/14 12:19, 6F

03/14 12:20, , 7F
How about "I like the idea of having another restaurant
03/14 12:20, 7F

03/14 12:20, , 8F
03/14 12:20, 8F

03/14 12:20, , 9F
so, can I convert it to "agree" or something else?
03/14 12:20, 9F

03/14 12:22, , 10F
thanks. ^^ I got it.
03/14 12:22, 10F

03/14 12:23, , 11F
Using "possessor" not wrong. However, using a more
03/14 12:23, 11F

03/14 12:24, , 12F
obscure word over a mor common one is not good practice.
03/14 12:24, 12F

03/14 12:25, , 13F
quite to the point! >.< I'll be careful about it.
03/14 12:25, 13F

03/14 12:27, , 14F
03/14 12:27, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #17sOk-yi (ST-English)
文章代碼(AID): #17sOk-yi (ST-English)