Re: [情報] TSMC pitched Intel foundry JV to Nvidi

看板Stock (股票)作者 (lks)時間8小時前 (2025/03/12 12:31), 編輯推噓7(8112)
留言21則, 13人參與, 7小時前最新討論串6/12 (看更多)
對台積電而言 問題不是INTEL晶圓部門現在虧損如何 經營Intel晶圓製造部門上百億鎂虧損 這個是小事 真正的大事是高階晶圓製造訂單 量夠不夠撐起這些工廠運營 工廠運營的命脈是訂單 現在晶圓沒啥人下英特爾 主因就是技術兩光 給你你也做的2266 所以gg獨霸 訂單排到做也做不完 問題就出在這個單子的多是有多少 如果單子量是足夠到撐起英特爾 那代表Intel工廠部門技術製程 只要一改善 那又是活生生一頭現金奶牛 但是如果量只是較gg自身吞吐量 多個一、兩成 實際上不足以運營GG+Intel 那就會演變成自己砍自己QQ 而這種訂單需求狀況 也只有gg自己知道 或許他們真的看到未來需求勁爆啊 ※ 引述《KIMBEOM (HYYY)》之銘言: : 標題:TSMC pitched Intel foundry JV to Nvidia, AMD and Broadcom, sources say : 來源:路透社 : (公司名、網站名) : 網址: : (請善用縮網址工具) : 內文: : TSMC would take a stake of no more than 50% in joint venture operating Intel f : oundries-sources : Talks are at an early stage-sources : Qualcomm has also received TMSC's pitch-sources : SINGAPORE/NEW YORK/TAIPEI, March 12 (Reuters) - TSMC (2330.TW), opens new tab : has pitched U.S. chip designers Nvidia (NVDA.O), opens new tab, Advanced Micro : Devices (AMD.O), opens new tab and Broadcom (AVGO.O), opens new tab about tak : ing stakes in a joint venture that would operate Intel's (INTC.O), opens new t : ab factories, according to four sources familiar with the matter. : Under the proposal, the Taiwanese chipmaking giant would run the operations of : Intel's foundry division, which makes chips adapted for the needs of customer : s, but it would not own more than 50%, the sources said. Qualcomm (QCOM.O), op : ens new tab has also been pitched by TSMC, according to one of the sources and : a separate source. : The talks, which are at an early stage, come after U.S. President Donald Trump : 's administration requested TSMC, the world's leading contract chipmaker, assi : st in turning around the troubled U.S. industrial icon, the sources said on co : ndition of anonymity because the talks are not public. : The details of the plan for TSMC to take no more than a 50% stake and its over : tures to potential partners are being reported for the first time. : Any final deal - the value of which is unclear - would need approval from the : Trump administration, which does not want Intel or its foundry division to be : fully foreign-owned, the sources said. : Intel, TSMC, Nvidia, AMD and Qualcomm declined to comment. The White House and : Broadcom did not respond to requests for comment. : At stake is the future of the U.S. chipmaking giant, whose shares have lost mo : re than half of their value in the last year. : GG已向輝達、AMD、博通提議投資一家合資企業,該合資企業將營運英特爾的晶圓廠,G : G在合資企業中的持股比例將不超過50%。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Xiaomi 23090RA98G. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

03/12 12:33, 8小時前 , 1F
03/12 12:33, 1F

03/12 12:33, 8小時前 , 2F
那麼簡單喔 那鴻海有訂單一個夏普都搞不好
03/12 12:33, 2F

03/12 12:33, 8小時前 , 3F
03/12 12:33, 3F

03/12 12:34, 8小時前 , 4F
忘記benq 怎麼死的嗎
03/12 12:34, 4F

03/12 12:34, 8小時前 , 5F
03/12 12:34, 5F

03/12 12:35, 8小時前 , 6F
訂單太滿到 要收購英特爾幫忙生產了
03/12 12:35, 6F

03/12 12:35, 8小時前 , 7F

03/12 12:35, 8小時前 , 8F
03/12 12:35, 8F

03/12 12:35, 8小時前 , 9F
03/12 12:35, 9F

03/12 12:35, 8小時前 , 10F
03/12 12:35, 10F

03/12 12:35, 8小時前 , 11F
03/12 12:35, 11F

03/12 12:36, 8小時前 , 12F
滿出來了 漫出來了阿阿阿阿阿
03/12 12:36, 12F

03/12 12:40, 8小時前 , 13F
然後技術被學走 減少別人進入的門檻嗎XD
03/12 12:40, 13F

03/12 12:42, 8小時前 , 14F
03/12 12:42, 14F

03/12 12:42, 8小時前 , 15F
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03/12 12:47, 8小時前 , 17F
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03/12 12:47, 8小時前 , 18F
03/12 12:47, 18F

03/12 12:58, 7小時前 , 19F
03/12 12:58, 19F

03/12 12:58, 7小時前 , 20F
把技術轉過去->單也轉過去->GG賺錢變少, IFS要跟人
03/12 12:58, 20F

03/12 12:58, 7小時前 , 21F
03/12 12:58, 21F
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