Re: [閒聊] 以後不能用TOEFL申請英簽

看板AdvEduUK (英國留學旅遊)作者 (Milo)時間11年前 (2014/05/02 10:12), 編輯推噓5(507)
留言12則, 4人參與, 最新討論串9/13 (看更多)
發在這邊應該會比較多人注意。 小弟我剛剛無聊去看了UK VISA網站,發現底下突然多了一排說明,不知道是何時偷偷更新的。 不知道大家對這有什麼看法呢!? ※ 引述《primotore (lainausicaa)》之銘言: : 以下是LSE寄來的信 : We are writing to give further information regarding the TOEFL. Conversation : is ongoing between Universities UK (an organisation representing the UK's : universities) and the UK Home Office, and we are still awaiting the details : of possible transitional arrangements regarding the TOEFL, however what is : clear is that it will definitely not be possible to use any TOEFL score from : a test taken on or after 6 April 2014 as part of a Tier 4 visa application. : We would like to reiterate that if you have an English test condition : attached to your offer and have not yet taken a test (or if you took the : TOEFL on or after 6 April 2014) you should arrange to take the IELTS or an : alternative test from the following list. We are currently evaluating these : tests so that we can determine the equivalent scores to our English test : conditions. : IELTS : Pearson (academic) : Cambridge English – CPE is preferred, but high scores in the CAE may be : acceptable : If you have already taken the TOEFL on or before 5 April, please do not worry. : You should still send your score to us if you have not already done so. We : will contact you with further information as soon as it is available. : Yours sincerely : Graduate Admissions -- Sent from my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

05/02 10:14, , 1F
05/02 10:14, 1F

05/02 10:49, , 2F
05/02 10:49, 2F

05/02 10:56, , 3F
我的解讀是4/17以前issue的ETS certificate都可被接
05/02 10:56, 3F

05/02 10:56, , 4F
05/02 10:56, 4F

05/02 10:57, , 5F
重點在第二段第一句 希望有文法好的大大幫忙看看
05/02 10:57, 5F

05/02 10:59, , 6F
before開頭的那個子句應該是修飾最近的主語-an ETS
05/02 10:59, 6F

05/02 11:00, , 7F
05/02 11:00, 7F

05/02 11:00, , 8F
05/02 11:00, 8F

05/02 11:01, , 9F
05/02 11:01, 9F

05/02 12:11, , 10F
個人解讀:拿417前ETS發的證書 英政府都還接受申請
05/02 12:11, 10F

05/02 15:16, , 11F
05/02 15:16, 11F

05/02 15:23, , 12F
05/02 15:23, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1JOlxsRa (AdvEduUK)
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文章代碼(AID): #1JOlxsRa (AdvEduUK)