Re: [閒聊] 以後不能用TOEFL申請英簽

看板AdvEduUK (英國留學旅遊)作者 (鄧天空)時間11年前 (2014/04/23 14:50), 11年前編輯推噓4(4022)
留言26則, 8人參與, 最新討論串5/13 (看更多)
原文恕刪 小弟昨晚收到學校(LBS)的回覆 結論是LBS的學生並不會受到這次事件的影響 從內容看起來學校應該是已經知道了4/17的新消息 經過判斷才回覆我的問題 內容重點在於LBS相對於其他學校可能有比較高的權限 (或許是因為它是Higher Education Institute的關係?) 因此有權力獨立評估學生的英文能力 第二是LBS似乎不打算在CAS上特別加註學生語言能力測驗的結果 因為學校認為他當初用了比較全面的方法來評估學生的英文能力 以下附上信件來回的內容供大家參考 兩造雙方: 小弟我以S代表 回覆問題的人是LBS的Senior Manager for Visa Compliance and Financial Aid 以H代表 (Posted: 17:29 | 19/04/14) Title: Concern about Using TOEFL score to apply for student visa Hi H, This is S from Taiwan, a student of MiM 2015. I took a TOEFL exam in last June and used it to apply for LBS MiM programme. However, I just noticed the recent announcements of UK Border Agency and of ETS. ETS' SELT license seems to have been cancelled by UK Home Office on 4/5. Therefore, I am wondering whether I can use my TOEFL score to obtain a CAS letter and apply for the student visa. In my understanding, some people on the Internet said that their visa applications had been suspended by UKBA because they had used TOEFL or TOEIC as proof of English proficiency. Also, some admitted students of UK schools have been asked to take an IELTS exam to replace their TOEFL grades. Thus, I am wondering whether LBS will cancel its sponsorship of visa for students who used TOEFL as proof of English ability in their admission application. If so, I believe that I will need to prepare for and take an IELTS test as soon as possible in order to obtain the student visa before my departure from my home country in mid-July. Please kindly provide the detailed update about the current situation of this issue. Many thanks! S (Posted: 08:44 | 22/04/14 ) Re: Concern about Using TOEFL score to apply for student visa Hi S, Thanks for your query. The short answer is that there is no change to what you need to do, and certainly no need to take an additional English language test. The longer answer is that there are two different issues here 1) What does LBS use to confirm your English is a sufficient standard? and 2) What does the UK Home Office require in terms of confirmation that your English is a sufficient standard? In terms of point 1 - our requirements have not changed and are independent of anything set by the Home Office. If your English is judged to be of the required standard - demonstrated through your TOEFL, application, interviews etc, then this is what your offer at LBS has been based on. In terms of point 2 - LBS is permitted within the regulations of the Home Office to make its own judgement of students' English language competency. We don't specifically state your TOEFL or TOEIC scores as we use a more holistic approach to confirming your competency. As such, the change to the Home Office approach has had no impact on the way in which LBS confirms English language competence. I hope that helps - let me know if you have any questions. Kind regards H -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: staringsky (, 04/23/2014 14:52:37

04/23 17:47, , 1F
04/23 17:47, 1F

04/23 17:58, , 2F
04/23 17:58, 2F

04/23 18:57, , 3F
所以是只有LBS有權利不鳥Home Office嗎......
04/23 18:57, 3F

04/23 20:12, , 4F
其實我不知道背後的原因欸 可能跟HEI有關吧
04/23 20:12, 4F

04/23 20:12, , 5F
04/23 20:12, 5F

04/24 00:26, , 6F
一票學校都是HEI LBS並沒有比較特別
04/24 00:26, 6F

04/24 02:25, , 7F
04/24 02:25, 7F

04/24 02:33, , 8F
英國教育系統中,Secondary schools以上,,能授予正
04/24 02:33, 8F

04/24 02:37, , 9F
位的教育機構都是Higher education Institutions
04/24 02:37, 9F

04/24 02:38, , 10F
04/24 02:38, 10F

04/24 07:15, , 11F
still not very sure if the CAS by LBS will not
04/24 07:15, 11F

04/24 07:16, , 12F
state TOEFL 'score' or no english test of any
04/24 07:16, 12F

04/24 07:17, , 13F
kind... but this means the school will try to
04/24 07:17, 13F

04/24 07:17, , 14F
assist you to avoid the need to take new english
04/24 07:17, 14F

04/24 07:18, , 15F
test whatever they can.
04/24 07:18, 15F

04/24 08:36, , 16F
04/24 08:36, 16F

04/24 12:36, , 17F
04/24 12:36, 17F

04/24 12:38, , 18F
04/24 12:38, 18F

04/25 02:49, , 19F
04/25 02:49, 19F

04/25 02:50, , 20F
04/25 02:50, 20F

04/25 02:51, , 21F
04/25 02:51, 21F

04/25 02:51, , 22F
04/25 02:51, 22F

04/25 02:52, , 23F
04/25 02:52, 23F

04/25 02:52, , 24F
04/25 02:52, 24F

04/25 08:54, , 25F
嗯 我了解 只有LBS說不受影響確實是蠻令人質疑的
04/25 08:54, 25F

04/25 08:55, , 26F
04/25 08:55, 26F
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