Re: [問題] 有趣的財金入門書籍
看板CFAiafeFSA (精算師/基金經理人/銀行家)作者ardent (yuyu)時間18年前 (2006/07/24 16:46)推噓0(0推 0噓 0→)留言0則, 0人參與討論串5/7 (看更多)
Thank you for replying
In my opinion, I think IB is to help companies to finance their investment.
Investment research is to investment, to give money to those who need it.
So, IB is the seller to get the funds they need, and Investment research is
the buyer to provide the funds.
I am not sure if my concept is correct or not. Please give me any opinion.
Thank you.
※ 引述《hsiuchuanwin (win)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《ardent (yuyu)》之銘言:
: : 我想借用這個標題問一點粗淺的問題
: : 如果把財務領域分成幾塊
: : 我大概把Investment banking理解為賣方
: : Investment research理解為買方
: : 那請問 corporate finance大概是什麼?
: : 在財務裡面扮演的腳色是...?
: : 我有點搞糊塗了
: : 希望有人可以給我一點簡略的概念與方向
: : 謝謝^^
: why investment banking is a seller?
: and
: why investment research is a buyer?
: could you explanin it?
: otherwise it is hard to explain the role of corporate finance in finance.
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