Re: [補教] 推薦法籍家教老師 (台北市)已刪文
我是老師現在的學生喔 我也幫老師徵學生!! :)
他真的很認真教學 充分運用各種影音網路資訊 跟他上課絕對不會無聊的!!
我現在法檢DELF B2過了 都是多虧老師幫忙喔~~
真的大推 如果有心要學好法文的人 一定要試試看!!
如果有興趣請跟老師聯絡 JEAN Scuderi:
或是找我也可以 ~
※ 引述《saffron ()》之銘言:
: 這是我以前的老師 我現在不在台灣了
: 但我們還是像朋友一樣保持連絡
: 很喜歡他的教學方式 跟他學了很多! 所以幫他打一下廣告嚕~
: 這是他自製的招生廣告:(要登入FB才看得到唷~)
: 以下是他的自介:
: Bonjour !
: If you have bases in French grammar and conjugation
: or you can already write and read French a little bit
: but have no opportunities of improving it orally and
: make serious rises in communication …
: If you want to make real progresses in this language
: like be able to speak it and understand it in real life situations
: or prepare the DELF exam or/and have planned to go to a speaking French
: country as France, Belgium, Quebec, Morocco, Algeria…
: I can help you.
: I can help you to make very significant progresses.
: My teaching method is not common.
: I use videos, radio records, songs, and extracts of movies
: to put the learners in situations such as
: the one you can deal with in true life.
: I also help people to prepare exams in the exact conditions of DELF
: at any level.
: I have almost all the manuals you can find in most of schools in Taipei.
: I provide students all the material needed.
: I adapt my lessons and exercises to each learner.
: My job is not to teach you the rudiments of the language
: but to provide you more knowledge, culture and understanding of it.
: All my efforts and passion is turned to one purpose, one mission.
: I just want to make you feel more comfortable and enjoy the learning of
: this so beautiful language that is French.
: 地點:台北市 六張犁捷運站
: 鐘點費:800/h 如果找人一起上(最多3人) 學費一樣800就2至3人分攤
: (我覺得以一個經驗豐富的家教老師來說 這個學費真的是賺到)
: 如果要老師出來外面上課 鐘點費是 1000/h
: (我推薦去老師家上課,我是女生,絕對安全沒問題的!)
: 有興趣的人歡迎直接寫 email 給他唷~
: JEAN Scuderi:
: 有什麼問題也可以寫站內信問我
: 我如果能回答就會盡量回答 但最好的方式還是直接連絡老師 ^^
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
03/17 22:23, , 1F
03/17 22:23, 1F
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