[語文] 免費分享"英文十大寫作錯誤"

看板GMAT (GMAT入學考試)作者 (美國闖蕩中)時間16年前 (2009/01/28 23:48), 編輯推噓142(14208)
留言150則, 144人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
這不是補習班的筆記 或者任何違法的重製品 是一位美國朋友寫的 (原創!!) 經由作者同意跟大家分享 一些英文正式寫作台灣同學常見的錯誤 還蠻有用的 主要是說明academic writing需要注意的事情 檔案是一個word檔 全英文 有詳細解說還有例子 免費跟大家分享,需要的人請私信到我的信箱 我會直接寄檔案給你 若板主覺得不符大家需要 請來信 我會自D 以下為部分內容 Here are some very common mistakes and problems that I see in many essays, so I want to help you realize these errors and show you how to correct them so that you can improve the quality of your English writing. 1. In formal English writing, you should never use contractions. Contractions are shortened forms of two individual words separated by an apostrophe. Words like "don’t" or "won’t" or "I’d" or "I’ll" should ALWAYS be spelled completely in a formal document. If you use a contraction, it implies to the reader that you are either too lazy to spell out the words or you do not realize that contractions are informal. Therefore, always fully spell out any contractions such as "do not" or "will not" or "I would" or "I will" in your formal essays. This is a skill of a good English writer, so making sure that you avoid contractions will improve the quality and professionalism of your essay. 2. In formal English writing, you should never start the first word of a sentence with a conjunction. Conjunctions are words typically used to combine two shorter parts of sentences together, so they will always only be found inside a sentence. Words such as "because, or, however, and" are the most common examples of conjunctions, which many people use informally as the first word in a sentence, but should never begin a sentence in formal writing. Therefore, your sentences are not -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/29 00:50, , 1F
有需要 bighead5200@gmail.com 感謝大大分享
01/29 00:50, 1F

01/29 00:51, , 2F
啊= =好像看錯了 推文留信箱.....
01/29 00:51, 2F

01/29 02:33, , 3F
01/29 02:33, 3F

01/29 05:44, , 4F
有需要 amzhiqiang@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝
01/29 05:44, 4F

01/29 06:47, , 5F
haoweichung@gmail.com thanks a lot!
01/29 06:47, 5F

01/29 08:26, , 6F
gcloud525@gmail.com 謝謝分享喔!
01/29 08:26, 6F

01/29 08:40, , 7F
謝謝分享 owenshuang@hotmail.com
01/29 08:40, 7F

01/29 09:05, , 8F
感謝囉~ tiggyfeng@gmail.com
01/29 09:05, 8F

01/29 09:06, , 9F
麻煩你.. alexhere@pchome.com.tw thanks.
01/29 09:06, 9F

01/29 09:08, , 10F
seiya.terence@msa.hinet.net 感謝您~
01/29 09:08, 10F

01/29 09:30, , 11F
kevin.lianter@gmail.com 大感謝^^
01/29 09:30, 11F

01/29 09:42, , 12F
oneartifice@hotmail.com 感謝您!
01/29 09:42, 12F

01/29 09:43, , 13F
alima309@gmail.com appreciate for that @@
01/29 09:43, 13F

01/29 10:17, , 14F
amy.sax@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝你!!! ^^
01/29 10:17, 14F

01/29 10:51, , 15F
b924030019@student.nsysu.edu.tw 謝謝分享!!
01/29 10:51, 15F

01/29 11:08, , 16F
betterman0720@hotmail.com Thanks a lot!!!
01/29 11:08, 16F

01/29 11:10, , 17F
01/29 11:10, 17F

01/29 11:27, , 18F
我也要 ooh_olivia@hotmail.com 感謝分享喔
01/29 11:27, 18F

01/29 11:57, , 19F
lanyanchi@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝你
01/29 11:57, 19F

01/29 12:03, , 20F
louis_chuang@livemail.tw 謝謝原PO
01/29 12:03, 20F

01/29 12:07, , 21F
raymondhcj@gmail.com 謝謝您
01/29 12:07, 21F

01/29 12:18, , 22F
adamhmc@hotmail.com 感謝您~
01/29 12:18, 22F

01/29 12:20, , 23F
ggyy1778@yahoo.com 謝謝你的分享!~
01/29 12:20, 23F

01/29 12:26, , 24F
ichiro5115@gmail.com 謝謝分享喔
01/29 12:26, 24F

01/29 12:27, , 25F
mjyeh0421@gmail.com 感恩
01/29 12:27, 25F

01/29 12:30, , 26F
s0944197@mail.ncyu.edu.tw 謝謝您的分享~~~
01/29 12:30, 26F

01/29 12:30, , 27F
cmos819@gmail.com 感謝分享
01/29 12:30, 27F

01/29 12:31, , 28F
wang3181@yahoo.com.tw Thank you~~
01/29 12:31, 28F

01/29 12:49, , 29F
evilwings@gmail.com 謝謝分享
01/29 12:49, 29F

01/29 12:54, , 30F
elfwendy@gmail.com 感謝你的分享喔~~新年快樂!
01/29 12:54, 30F

01/29 12:55, , 31F
01/29 12:55, 31F

01/29 12:59, , 32F
alohahsin@gmail.com 謝謝你~~~
01/29 12:59, 32F

01/29 12:59, , 33F
01/29 12:59, 33F

01/29 13:28, , 34F
imadoki2001@hotmail.com 謝謝你的分享~新年快樂!
01/29 13:28, 34F

01/29 13:37, , 35F
arieswindcloud@hotmail.com 感謝分享...新年快樂~~
01/29 13:37, 35F

01/29 14:03, , 36F
volt0504@hotmail.com 感謝
01/29 14:03, 36F

01/29 14:06, , 37F
stephenwan801@gmail.com 感謝分享!! 新年快樂!!
01/29 14:06, 37F

01/29 14:29, , 38F
yveshih@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝您了^^
01/29 14:29, 38F

01/29 14:43, , 39F
neptune2438@hotmail.com 謝謝分享喔!!
01/29 14:43, 39F
還有 71 則推文
01/31 17:45, , 111F
weiting917@hotmail.com 感謝你喔^^
01/31 17:45, 111F

01/31 18:06, , 112F
aranzo@hotmail.com thank u so much!
01/31 18:06, 112F

01/31 20:46, , 113F
thank you elyse.lin@hotmail.com
01/31 20:46, 113F

01/31 22:34, , 114F
thank you morgan.yjchang@gmail.com
01/31 22:34, 114F

01/31 22:50, , 115F
thanks lislekuo@gmail.com
01/31 22:50, 115F

01/31 23:00, , 116F
andy74830@hotmail.com 感謝您!!
01/31 23:00, 116F

01/31 23:53, , 117F
hotzon1214@msn.com 非常感謝!
01/31 23:53, 117F

02/01 00:15, , 118F
pig855061@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝
02/01 00:15, 118F

02/01 02:17, , 119F
02/01 02:17, 119F

02/01 11:03, , 120F
wwjd5211@yahoo.com.tw 謝您!
02/01 11:03, 120F

02/01 12:26, , 121F
louislee32323@msn.com 謝謝你~!! 新年快樂~!
02/01 12:26, 121F

02/01 12:38, , 122F
tippi809@gmail.com 謝謝分享!
02/01 12:38, 122F

02/01 14:15, , 123F
linnry1220@hotmail.com 謝謝你~~
02/01 14:15, 123F

02/01 14:46, , 124F
alan0921@gmail.com 牛年大家都要成為牛人阿!XD
02/01 14:46, 124F

02/01 16:39, , 125F
02/01 16:39, 125F

02/01 20:17, , 126F
aa01230456@hotmail.com 謝謝你
02/01 20:17, 126F

02/01 21:52, , 127F
chihyi091312@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝分享!!
02/01 21:52, 127F

02/01 22:07, , 128F
對不起 我需要 EVALIN@cht.com.tw
02/01 22:07, 128F

02/01 22:14, , 129F
有需要 hotchien@gmail.com
02/01 22:14, 129F

02/01 23:11, , 130F
connieapt@yahoo.com.tw 我很需要 謝謝
02/01 23:11, 130F

02/01 23:12, , 131F
02/01 23:12, 131F

02/01 23:51, , 132F
weiting917@hotmail.com 很謝謝你ㄛ
02/01 23:51, 132F

02/02 03:10, , 133F
snew27@yahoo.com.tw 3QQ
02/02 03:10, 133F

02/02 13:14, , 134F
smallyans@yahoo.com.tw thanks!!
02/02 13:14, 134F

02/02 15:04, , 135F
我也需要 joseph740822@yahoo.com.tw thanks
02/02 15:04, 135F

02/02 15:40, , 136F
92222001@cc.ncu.edu.tw tks a lot~!!!
02/02 15:40, 136F

02/02 17:37, , 137F
phoenician.tw@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝你~~~
02/02 17:37, 137F

02/02 18:48, , 138F
麻煩您囉:) evann5489@gmail.com 大感謝!
02/02 18:48, 138F

02/02 22:24, , 139F
b95703104@ntu.edu.tw 感謝感謝
02/02 22:24, 139F

02/02 22:52, , 140F
thdkuo@ms46.hinet.net 感謝啦
02/02 22:52, 140F

02/03 20:33, , 141F
mildmist13@yahoo.com.tw 感謝分享,話說這篇推爆了
02/03 20:33, 141F

02/04 18:42, , 142F
02/04 18:42, 142F

02/04 21:32, , 143F
謝謝你喔!! disa90210@gmail.com
02/04 21:32, 143F

02/04 23:42, , 144F
pochadog@gmail.com 謝謝你的分享
02/04 23:42, 144F

02/05 01:12, , 145F
forrest2555@hotmail.com thanks!!!!!
02/05 01:12, 145F

02/05 19:41, , 146F
hung4248@gmail.com 感謝分享
02/05 19:41, 146F

02/10 00:36, , 147F
leader135@gmail.com 大大感謝分享!!!
02/10 00:36, 147F

02/16 12:58, , 148F
rc0728@gmail.com 感謝大大~
02/16 12:58, 148F

02/26 06:37, , 149F
tzucheng.chuang@kimo.com 謝謝:)
02/26 06:37, 149F

03/20 00:10, 6年前 , 150F
Kk2227370@gmail.com 感謝分享
03/20 00:10, 150F
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