Re: [資源] 教會拉丁文教程

看板Latina (拉丁文)作者 (bucolic)時間3周前 (2025/02/10 23:44), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Beware The Danger of Wheelock's Latin Grammar Wheelock's Latin Grammar: just the mere mention of this book should send shivers down the spines of good Catholics everywhere. It's a deceptive little book, trying to convince good, faithful Catholics into reading pagan literature which glorifies the evil pagan gods of Rome. Good Christians died so they didn't have to praise Jupiter or Pluto. Such worship, they believed, would jeopardize their very souls. And what do we have here? A book which an unsuspecting Catholic might use to teach themselves Latin. It convinces its adherents to write out long, detailed praises to those gods which we all know were in reality bloodthirsty demons. Christians, the martyrs died so we could abandon the ways of pagan Rome, so why do you go back and fall for this blatant piece of pagan propaganda? If you question the seriousness of this, just look at what kinds of books are put next to it: Virgil's Aeneid, Cicero's On the Nature of the Gods, or Apuleius’ Golden Ass. Can any good come from a book associated with such evil? Of course not! --
揭害台醫輕生的「波波醫全名」!美女醫怒:醫院霸凌不只這件 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
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