Re: [請益] 政大語概考古題
看板Linguistics (語言學習)作者blackman180 (Patrick)時間15年前 (2010/03/30 00:51)推噓0(0推 0噓 0→)留言0則, 0人參與討論串3/4 (看更多)
: : III. Compare the PP phrases in (1) with those in (2) and come up with a
: : hypothesis as to why only those in (1) can invert.
: : (1)
: : a. A lot of people stood on the stage.
: : b. On the stage stood a lot of people.
: : c. Three missionaries came to the village.
: : d. To the village came three missionaries.
: : (2)
: : a. A lot of people sang on the stage.
: : b. *On the stage sang a lot of people.
: : c. Three missionaries preached to the village.
: : d. *To the village preached three missionaries.
: 用英文的ergative verb 的用法限制試試看 有些動詞可以造成middle voice sentence 有些則不行
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