Re: [問題] 何謂ODM?何謂OEM?
※ 引述《draculatu (德古拉)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《maker (Maker)》之銘言:
: : 以下幾個辭,不敢說是學界或產業範通標準,但至少是所處公司以及與相關核心
: : 代工夥伴共同間的認知。
: : ======================================================================
: 今天讀到EETIMES的一篇關於TV的報導
: 證明這個討論串最早對OEM的定義 外國人士是那樣用的
: 而我上篇文章也有說到 我們公司也是如此用
: 看來有兩個世界 這樣和別人討論不會出問題嗎???
I guess that there is no concern between our company and ODM/OEM vendor for
these terms.
: In fact, the DTV chip market is a tough sector. ''While this segment was very
: hot earlier this decade with Trident most notably enjoying past success at
: Sony, silicon vendors have come under enormous ASP pressure--a trend we expect
: will continue--as OEMs have sought to substantially increase unit shipments of
: digital TVs by shifting the work on low-end TVs to ODMs in order to drive
: lower retail prices.''
※ 編輯: maker 來自: (08/29 08:30)
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