Re: [寫作班] 托福第13週 philJamy, 4
看板ST-English (英文科技寫作)作者Im6F (Gorgeous( ̄y▽ ̄)╭)時間16年前 (2008/06/10 19:58)推噓0(0推 0噓 0→)留言0則, 0人參與討論串2/4 (看更多)
I appreciate your masterpiece!
some suggestions.
※ 引述《philJamy (Jamy)》之銘言:
: : 4. Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others
: : prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be self-employed,
: : work for someone else, or own a business? Use specific reasons to
: : support your choice.
: I'd rather work in a company of mine than be a employee. With plentyful
: passion and energy, I believe that running a complany enables me economical
: freedom, which is what I've been long for. Though it may be tough and
: painstaking to establish a company, I would like to go all out for my goal.
: To me, working for an emplyer is easier, and lacking of challenge, though.
as lacks or lacking in ^s pl.
: I may not need to take so much responsibilities as the chairman. Instead,
: the managers will tell me what to do, and all I have to do is following the
: directions. It's comfortable, but never a life I want to live. However old I
: am, I wish that I could possess unlimited eagerness to learn and to achieve.
: Compared with the life as an empolyee, life as a chairman can be challenging
: and achieving.
: Besides, owning my business creates possibility to be ecnomically free.
: An employee could hardly earn much extra income, no matter how hard he works.
: One could work for eight extra hours a day, without increasing the salary a
: bit. However, a chairman of a company could increase his asset dramatically in a
: short time, depending on how the company works. He doesn't even have to work
: for so long as the worker do, while he is stiil a rich man.A rich and free
^s pl.
: man! Again, the contrast between an employer and an employee seems explicit.
: Though so many people study and work so hard just to get a nice job, which
: implies that working for others, I am clear about what I want-- being a wealthy
: and free man. Owning a company is a realistic way to realize my dream.
: ※ 編輯: philJamy 來自: (06/10 18:36)
no big prob. Hope that I could do little help for you. ^^
We can discuss.
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