[投稿] 問一下這樣有機會上嗎?
小弟是資工的碩士畢業,碩士論文被老師拿去投稿,最近收到了回應(聽說是一年後= =||);
Reviewer #1:You are not comparing the proposed method with existing hiding
techniques as a graph or any other way.
Reviewer #2:Three DNA-based data hiding schemes are proposed in the paper to
hide secrets using some properties of DNA sequences, and extract secrets
according to a reference DNA sequence. The originality is high. I recommend
the acceptance of this paper after minor version.
Reviewer #3:This paper proposed three methods to hide data based on some
properties of DNA dequences. These three methods are insertion method,
complementary pair method and substitution method, respectively. Each method
is written clearly with steps, examples, algorithms and analyses. In summay,
the paper is interesting and well written.
In view fo these comments the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Witold Pedrycz, has
decided that the paper can be reconsidered for publication after major
revisions. Therefore we look forward to receiving the revised version of the
paper together with a reply to the reports and a summary of the revisions made.
Kind regards,
J.J. Albertsma
Journal Manager
Information Sciences
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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