[新聞] 馬斯克呼籲員工別賣股 儘管股價跌了40%

看板Stock (股票)作者 (My broken dreams)時間6天前發表 (2025/03/21 04:59), 6天前編輯推噓106(1191389)
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原文標題:Musk asks Tesla employees to hang on to stock despite 40% drop 原文連結:https://reurl.cc/rE8p6N 發布時間:2025-3-21 原文內容: Elon Musk sought to reassure Tesla Inc. employees that despite “rocky moments,” they should “hang onto” their stock, in an unannounced all-hands meeting Thursday in Austin, Texas, which the billionaire chief executive streamed live on his social media network X. “If you read the news, it feels like Armageddon,” he told employees during the meeting, which lasted past 10 p.m. local time. “I can’t walk past a TV without seeing a Tesla on fire. I understand if you don’t want to buy our product, but you don’t have to burn it down.” The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been investigating a number of incidents where Tesla charging stations and dealerships have been damaged, including fires in Las Vegas, Kansas City and Missouri. The vandalism follows a growing backlash against Musk’s role in the Trump administration, with sales down and the automaker’s showrooms and supercharging stations at the center of protests. Meanwhile, shares in Tesla have plunged more than 40% this year, giving up gains from a stock surge that followed President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Tesla sales are typically slow in the first quarter, but sales and shipments have dropped precipitously in key markets including Europe and China as Musk faces political pushback. Tesla paused production on the Model Y line earlier in the year to prepare for a refreshed version of its most popular vehicle. The company is also expected to launch new, more affordable EVs in the first half of 2025, but has given little detail. Trump was even moved to pledge to buy his own Tesla, bringing a parade of the EVs to the South Lawn of the White House. On Thursday, Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick went on Fox News and urged viewers to buy shares in Musk’s carmaker. “It’ll never be this cheap again,” Lutnick said, in an appearance that prompted questions over whether Lutnick violated federal conflict of interest rules. “There are times when there are rocky moments, a little bit of stormy weather but I’m here to tell you the future is bright and exciting,” Musk said during the all-hands meeting. Musk, who has been increasingly betting Tesla’s future on robotics and autonomy, said the company aims to scale production of its future autonomous, pedal less, and steering wheel-less Cybercab to “new heights.” Dan Ives, a Wedbush Securities analyst and longtime Musk proponent, said the meeting was a “first step for Musk to show he is going to lead Tesla through this tumultuous period.” Ives this week issued a rare rebuke to Musk, urging the billionaire to pull back from the Trump administration and refocus on Tesla. He warned that the brand damage has escalated into a “tornado crisis moment for Musk and Tesla. ” Musk during the all-hands also mentioned an updated timeline for the humanoid Optimus robot, saying it would be available outside of internal use as early as the second half of 2026, with the first sales going to Tesla employees. The company previously had said Tesla aimed to have the robots available to other companies next year, and internally this year. When asked by an employee about whether he would get into aviation, Musk said it’s something he’s considered. “I’ve thought about aircraft designs for a long time,” he said, musing on the creation of an eVTOL, an electric vertical take-off and landing. “Maybe we’ll do that.” 馬斯克在德州奧斯汀舉行的特斯拉全員會議中,試圖安撫員工情緒,儘管特斯拉股價今年 已下跌超過 40%,他仍鼓勵大家「堅持持有股票」,並強調公司未來依然「光明且令人興 奮」。 他指出媒體過度渲染特斯拉負面新聞,如起火事件,並提到近期多起針對特斯拉充電站與 展示中心的縱火與破壞行為,FBI 正在調查相關案件。 這些行為與馬斯克支持川普引發的政治反彈有關,影響特斯拉在歐洲和中國等重要市場的 銷售表現。 此外,特斯拉先前暫停 Model Y 生產線以準備新版本,並預計 2025 年上半年推出更平 價電動車。馬斯克也提到未來無方向盤、無踏板的自駕車「Cybercab」將擴大生產。 對於特斯拉的人形機器人 Optimus,他預測最快 2026 年下半年將向員工銷售,並於之後 推向市場。 Wedbush 分析師 Dan Ives 表示,這場會議是馬斯克試圖帶領特斯拉度過危機的第一步, 但也呼籲他應減少政治介入,專注公司營運。 馬斯克最後也透露曾考慮開發電動垂直起降飛機(eVTOL),可能未來會涉足航空領域。 心得/評論: 不只總統帶貨 部會首長出來報明牌 馬斯克也出來向員工信心喊話 要相信公司有光明前程 會贏喔?! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1742533191.A.938.html

03/21 13:00, 6天前 , 1F
03/21 13:00, 1F
※ 編輯: DrowningPool ( 臺灣), 03/21/2025 13:02:32

03/21 13:01, 6天前 , 2F
03/21 13:01, 2F

03/21 13:01, 6天前 , 3F
一鍵出清 效率部拿去投別的
03/21 13:01, 3F

03/21 13:02, 6天前 , 4F
03/21 13:02, 4F

03/21 13:02, 6天前 , 5F
03/21 13:02, 5F

03/21 13:02, 6天前 , 6F
03/21 13:02, 6F

03/21 13:02, 6天前 , 7F
電動車來說 中國比你更好....
03/21 13:02, 7F

03/21 13:03, 6天前 , 8F
03/21 13:03, 8F

03/21 13:03, 6天前 , 9F
03/21 13:03, 9F

03/21 13:03, 6天前 , 10F
03/21 13:03, 10F

03/21 13:04, 6天前 , 11F
03/21 13:04, 11F

03/21 13:04, 6天前 , 12F
馬投顧好像第一次這麼怕 去年股價150都沒這麼怕欸
03/21 13:04, 12F

03/21 13:04, 6天前 , 13F
馬投顧自己想先賣 好扯==
03/21 13:04, 13F

03/21 13:04, 6天前 , 14F
03/21 13:04, 14F

03/21 13:04, 6天前 , 15F
你可以不賣! 一定要等我先賣!
03/21 13:04, 15F

03/21 13:05, 6天前 , 16F
03/21 13:05, 16F

03/21 13:06, 6天前 , 17F
03/21 13:06, 17F

03/21 13:06, 6天前 , 18F
垃圾車 50收
03/21 13:06, 18F

03/21 13:06, 6天前 , 19F

03/21 13:07, 6天前 , 20F
03/21 13:07, 20F

03/21 13:07, 6天前 , 21F

03/21 13:07, 6天前 , 22F
他自己賣的最爽 還不只一次 叫員工不要賣XDDDDDDDD
03/21 13:07, 22F

03/21 13:08, 6天前 , 23F
03/21 13:08, 23F

03/21 13:08, 6天前 , 24F
03/21 13:08, 24F

03/21 13:08, 6天前 , 25F
真爛 人才兩失
03/21 13:08, 25F

03/21 13:09, 6天前 , 26F
03/21 13:09, 26F

03/21 13:10, 6天前 , 27F
傾全國之力 我信了
03/21 13:10, 27F

03/21 13:10, 6天前 , 28F
03/21 13:10, 28F

03/21 13:11, 6天前 , 29F
03/21 13:11, 29F

03/21 13:12, 6天前 , 30F
03/21 13:12, 30F

03/21 13:12, 6天前 , 31F
03/21 13:12, 31F

03/21 13:13, 6天前 , 32F
回檔40% 超好買點!!
03/21 13:13, 32F

03/21 13:13, 6天前 , 33F
Stop Fucking Selling
03/21 13:13, 33F

03/21 13:13, 6天前 , 34F
03/21 13:13, 34F

03/21 13:13, 6天前 , 35F
03/21 13:13, 35F

03/21 13:13, 6天前 , 36F
03/21 13:13, 36F

03/21 13:13, 6天前 , 37F

03/21 13:13, 6天前 , 38F
電動車贏不了中國啦 機器人又能贏嗎?
03/21 13:13, 38F
還有 143 則推文
03/21 16:34, 6天前 , 182F
03/21 16:34, 182F

03/21 16:38, 6天前 , 183F
先別賣 老闆還沒賣夠阿
03/21 16:38, 183F

03/21 16:51, 6天前 , 184F
最近一連串動作 是想騙更多人上車
03/21 16:51, 184F

03/21 16:56, 6天前 , 185F
03/21 16:56, 185F

03/21 16:57, 6天前 , 186F
03/21 16:57, 186F

03/21 17:25, 6天前 , 187F
03/21 17:25, 187F

03/21 17:42, 6天前 , 188F
03/21 17:42, 188F

03/21 18:01, 6天前 , 189F
03/21 18:01, 189F

03/21 18:09, 6天前 , 190F
頃全球之力 放空! 教訓川普
03/21 18:09, 190F

03/21 18:23, 6天前 , 191F
03/21 18:23, 191F

03/21 18:24, 6天前 , 192F
03/21 18:24, 192F

03/21 18:28, 6天前 , 193F
03/21 18:28, 193F

03/21 18:28, 6天前 , 194F
03/21 18:28, 194F

03/21 18:38, 6天前 , 195F
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03/21 18:46, 6天前 , 196F

03/21 19:06, 6天前 , 197F
03/21 19:06, 197F

03/21 20:02, 6天前 , 198F
別賣 我先賣
03/21 20:02, 198F

03/21 20:03, 6天前 , 199F
03/21 20:03, 199F

03/21 20:07, 6天前 , 200F
好辣 你應該讓市場聯想你是軟體公司 這樣就藍海了…
03/21 20:07, 200F

03/21 20:07, 6天前 , 201F
加油啦 阿美利堅!
03/21 20:07, 201F

03/21 20:08, 6天前 , 202F
Tesla 是科技藍籌股 架構電車軟體系統 本益比不該
03/21 20:08, 202F

03/21 20:08, 6天前 , 203F
03/21 20:08, 203F

03/21 20:11, 6天前 , 204F
中華民國本島包含離島 是全球貿易的好夥伴 與客戶共
03/21 20:11, 204F

03/21 20:11, 6天前 , 205F
榮共利 相當於歐洲的瑞士
03/21 20:11, 205F

03/21 20:11, 6天前 , 206F
03/21 20:11, 206F

03/21 20:13, 6天前 , 207F
政治狀態 較為民主成熟的地區 軟體公司本益比 理當
03/21 20:13, 207F

03/21 20:13, 6天前 , 208F
比專制國家高許多 信任是非常珍貴的 有時候用錢買
03/21 20:13, 208F

03/21 20:13, 6天前 , 209F
03/21 20:13, 209F

03/21 20:18, 6天前 , 210F
別賣股 因為我要賣
03/21 20:18, 210F

03/21 20:27, 6天前 , 211F
03/21 20:27, 211F

03/21 20:28, 6天前 , 212F
好 我99讓他爆!
03/21 20:28, 212F

03/21 20:31, 6天前 , 213F
03/21 20:31, 213F

03/21 21:12, 6天前 , 214F
03/21 21:12, 214F

03/21 22:32, 6天前 , 215F
大家先不要賣 讓我賣一點
03/21 22:32, 215F

03/21 22:44, 6天前 , 216F
我ok 你先買
03/21 22:44, 216F

03/21 23:06, 6天前 , 217F
lol he deserved
03/21 23:06, 217F

03/22 08:36, 5天前 , 218F
03/22 08:36, 218F

03/22 09:50, 5天前 , 219F
老闆還沒跑 你們別想走
03/22 09:50, 219F

03/22 10:09, 5天前 , 220F
持有你的股票 跟別賣股 霉體很懂說話的藝術
03/22 10:09, 220F

03/22 12:03, 5天前 , 221F
03/22 12:03, 221F
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