Re: [發音] sp, st, sk 念法是不是一定要唸成...
看板teaching (教材板)作者Topanga (Believe, dream, try)時間17年前 (2008/03/13 16:58)推噓6(6推 0噓 10→)留言16則, 8人參與討論串2/2 (看更多)
[p]-[b] 規則本身就有問題
英文裡有聲無聲(voicing)是 distinctive feature
所以/p/無聲 /b/有聲 (發音上區別方式是聲帶會振動)
中文裡送氣非送氣(aspiration) 才是distinctive feature
也就是說 ㄅ和ㄆ差別只在送氣不送氣,兩者皆是無聲的
"sp" 裡面那個 [p] 是貼近中文的ㄅ而不是英文的 [b]
中文裡ㄅ與ㄆ相當於 sp 的"p" (unaspirated) 與 p elsewhere (aspirated)
用IPA(國際音標)注的話是 [p] 與 [ph] (h是 寫在右上小小的)
又 aspiration rule 所謂的 s/p/-->[p]
但 p 在 dominant position (typically syllable initial) 是發送氣 [ph]
export 重音在第二音節,也算是 dominant position
所以可能因此發 [ph]
至於 discover 怎解...我就不知道了 囧
我唯一能想到的是 ambisyllabification
就是說 s同時歸做第一音節和第二音節.
Sara : You just don't like sports.
Grissom : That's not true. I've been a baseball fan my whole life.
Sara : Baseball. Well, that figures. All the stats.
Grissom : It's a beautiful sport.
Sara : Since when are you interested in beauty?
Grissom : Since I met you.
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