Re: [SC. ] OG12#84 Often visible as smog....
※ 引述《dounts (Donz GMAT)》之銘言:
: 雖然我覺得 前面說的很清楚 兩個 and when 的 case
: 一個用法錯誤 一個用法正確
: 以 CR 角度來想,就代表我認為這兩個 case 不一樣
: 沒想到會造成誤解
: 但與其含糊帶過,我想就簡單做個解釋:
: While recognizing that lying often facilitates social interactions,
: psychiatrists are seeking to determine when it become destructive
: and which kinds of mental problems it can signal.
: determine when it become destructive
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: 用語感理解,就是 determine 何時 lying 變得 destructive
: 這時 when it become destructive 整句話的用法就是一個名詞
: and which kinds of mental problems it can signal
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: 用語感理解的方式 意思就是 何種 mental problems 是 lying 可 signal
: 同上,整句當作名詞使用
: 所以就是 determine (when + 句子) and (which + 句子)
: N1 N2
: Often visible as smog, ozone is formed in the
: atmosphere, and when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides,
: two major pollutants emitted by automobiles, react with sunlight.
: 此題 看到 and when 你有兩個選擇
: 1. when + S + V + O 當成名詞使用
: 這一段當成名詞,那前面當然也要有和上一題相同的名詞句子做平行
: 沒有的情況下,那當然這 case 就不成立
看到wh- 所帶領的子句若是當成名詞子句,「不一定」要跟名詞子句作平行
OG10-73. The British Admiralty and the War Office met in March 1892 to
consider a possible Russian attempt to seize Constantinople and what
military action would be necessary in order to deal with such an event.
剛剛整理官方題目剛好發現的,放上來幫A2 Donz 謝老師的討論作個補充。
: 2. when 當連接詞,連接句子使用
: 如果 要將 when 當成連接詞,那雙重連接詞 (and when) 卻只接了一句話,
: 就是最單純的句子架構有問題了
: For example:
: I came to the house and when my mom was not in the hourse. (X)
: I came to the house when my mom was not in the house. (O)
: I came to the house and my mom was not in the house. (O)
: I came to the house and when my mom was not in the house,
: my father would come to see me.(O)
Dustin Deng
(一戰自修760,AWA 5.5)
Verbal 機經使用技巧:
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