Re: 投國內期刊英文姓名的拼音

看板PhD (博士班)作者 (l'Erudit)時間18年前 (2006/05/06 23:53), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《spolin (龍)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《biic (biic)》之銘言: : : 最近準備投一篇國內中文期刊的論文, : : 須要寫英文姓名和英文摘要, : : 由於是第一次投稿, : : 想請教大家, : : 這作者英文姓名、或英文摘要中提及的中文古代人名的拼音方式, If those names are terminology, you can use those most people used. For your own name, that would be your decision. : : 是要用哪一種呢? : : 是威妥瑪式?漢語拼音?羅馬拼音?還是其他? : : 感激不盡!! : 看你有沒有外商的信用卡,可以用上面的名字 : 還是不建議用通用拼音 : 以前是用羅馬,現在因政治因素改成用通用,看起來很不倫不類 Well, it doesn't matter how it LOOKS. and I don't think that was barely politically correct. Chinese was pronounced slightly or very differently in the world. If you translate a chinese name in Singaporean, Malaysian and Chinese styles, all can be different from what we have been used in Taiwan. It doesn't matter which one is used, but you would like that is the one which can best reflect your pronounciation in your homeland, because your name is what your family, friends and other people know you. It is no point to use a foreign translation style (Chinese, Malaysian...etc) just because of you want to be easily 'recognised'. Anyway, even so, that would be your decision, to choose which one... Similarly, in Taipei city, the road names were translated in 'Chinese' form. This is quite non-sense, because they would be pronounciated differently from what Taiwanese native speakers would do. The reason they explained this was that would be easier for foreigner to recognise the roads (presuming most of them learnt Chinese Chinese). which is quite ridiculous and non-sense. Surely, that cost a lot of PhD tuition fee to change the name of the roads... Anyway.... A few years ago, when I was not better than the original author and got same problem. I just chose WG (can not remember the name) form. To be honest, I had never recognised it was correct and exactly the pronounciation of my name, until one day, my supervisor pronounciate my name based on his knowledge of spelling. I was so wonder that was exactly what I was called. I had never heard my name for at least few years then... So, it is correct. What I tell you this story is because.. You might think the translation is ridiculous and not correct. However, is your English pronounciation good enough to judge this? Be very careful, as once the name set, you can hardly change it. I would suggest you get a foreigner who don't know your name to pronounciate it for you. Good luck. : 在國外,很多中文的英譯跟通用拼音很不一樣 : 以『鄭』來說,大多人都是用cheng : 外交部卻硬改成jheng : 還看過有星人用通用拼起後,根本看不懂怎麼去發音,還有些看起來很像韓文的發音 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/11 15:30, , 1F
05/11 15:30, 1F
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