Re: [寫作班] 托福第14週 smallsheep24, 3
看板ST-English (英文科技寫作)作者smallsheep24 (妮妮)時間16年前 (2008/06/29 15:39)推噓0(0推 0噓 0→)留言0則, 0人參與討論串3/3 (看更多)
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If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an
inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher
salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
From past to present, employees are always the most precious property of the
company. To decide whether to hire a novice or a veteran, we should consider
lots of factors. Absolutely, work experience is one of the factors that
should never be forgotten because the company can save the training costs and
veterans who have more knowledge and understanding about the job will make
more profits. I prefer to hire experienced workers, the reasons are
illustrated as followed.
To begin with, the word "novices" means that workers have little knowledge
and experience of the work. The firm has to spend extra money training them.
On the other hand, veterans can get on the track quickly and the company can
save the educational cost. For example, many girls think the job detail of
public relations is to wear pretty and attend social parties. Actually, it is
far from the truth. And the trainee in the end may decide to leave the
company because the job is not on a par with what expected. But if we hire a
veteran, who know well the work detail and have the right understanding about
the job may stay longer than a novice does in the firm. Then we save the cost
of training and valuable time to look for a new employee.
Additionally, profit is of paramount importance to the company. Some people
may say that hiring a low-salaried employee can save the money. However, the
purpose of having new employees is that we wish them can fully fulfill their
potential to help the business make more returns. Although a novice may have
a chance to be a diamond in the rough, the best and practical way for the
company is to choose a diamond directly. In other words, despite experienced
workers demand higher salaries, they have knowledge and relative work
experience of this field. By applying these advantages to the job, veterans
can play suitable roles in their positions easier and make the firm earn more.
In conclusion, hiring an inexperienced worker is more risky for a company
than hiring an experienced one because of the reasons given above. And hiring
a veteran can be more beneficial and profitable to the company. Therefore, if
I were the employer, I would prefer to hire an experienced worker inspite of
the higher salary.
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