[文法] whose的用法

看板Eng-Class (英文板)作者 (honey)時間13年前 (2012/01/19 14:00), 編輯推噓0(0030)
留言30則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/8 (看更多)
請教一題關於whose的用法: They were the Boy Scouts _____ to help eldery people cross the street. A. whose was the task B. to whom it was the task C. it was whose task D. whose task it was 答案是D 我看書上的解說是,Boy Scouts意為童子軍. whose task it was to help... (他們的任務是....)中的"it"是先行代詞,代替後面的不定詞.等於說"to help... was their task." 我還是不明白這個句子的架構,為什麼會有一個"it"出現? 如果沒有"it",句子就不對了嗎? 我對這樣的句子覺得很陌生.請教大家,如果我要查相關用法,可以怎麼查呢? 我想再多找一下文法書,把自己不明白的地方再弄清楚. 謝謝回答 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: msbaker 來自: (01/19 14:01)

01/20 04:13, , 1F
"..覺得很陌生"-> 我第1次看到這種表達方式也是覺得陌生
01/20 04:13, 1F

01/20 04:13, , 2F
後來我去問了native speakers之後才知道只是我自己沒看過
01/20 04:13, 2F

01/20 04:14, , 3F
01/20 04:14, 3F

01/20 04:14, , 4F
.... the Boy Scouts whose job is to help ... ->這意思
01/20 04:14, 4F

01/20 04:15, , 5F
相當於(不是整句,是the Boy Scouts...之後部份) ->
01/20 04:15, 5F

01/20 04:15, , 6F
"The Boy Scouts' job is to help elderly people ...."
01/20 04:15, 6F

01/20 04:16, , 7F
... task ...
01/20 04:16, 7F

01/20 04:17, , 8F
(有沒有看出來? 這有些像是在講"Boy Scouts"只有一個task
01/20 04:17, 8F

01/20 04:18, , 9F
(沒別的?) 然後他們單一的task就是...
01/20 04:18, 9F

01/20 04:19, , 10F
前頭的 ...was to ....
01/20 04:19, 10F

01/20 04:19, , 11F
有 it : the Boy Scouts whose task it was to help ...
01/20 04:19, 11F

01/20 04:19, , 12F
相當於(不是整句,是the Boy Scouts...之後部份) ->
01/20 04:19, 12F

01/20 04:19, , 13F
"To help help eldery people cross the street" 這件事
01/20 04:19, 13F

01/20 04:20, , 14F
was their task (這有些像是在說 ... 比如某人問說 xxxx
01/20 04:20, 14F

01/20 04:21, , 15F
這task屬於誰管的/做的,然後你回答說這某A (xxxx只是他做
01/20 04:21, 15F

01/20 04:22, , 16F
的多項事情的其中一個) 或是看這串:
01/20 04:22, 16F

01/20 04:23, , 17F
http://tinyurl.com/6t4ntfa 如果你注意讀下篇(LearnEng
01/20 04:23, 17F

01/20 04:24, , 18F
01/20 04:24, 18F

01/20 04:24, , 19F
01/20 04:24, 19F

01/20 04:27, , 20F
換句話說題目句子使用了 whose task was to ... 那麼整體
01/20 04:27, 20F

01/20 04:27, , 21F
01/20 04:27, 21F

01/20 04:29, , 22F
套用前頭link裡頭人講的,這變成"to help ....cross the
01/20 04:29, 22F

01/20 04:29, , 23F
street 是他們的"complete role"
01/20 04:29, 23F

01/20 04:39, , 24F
01/20 04:39, 24F

01/20 04:39, , 25F
01/20 04:39, 25F

01/20 04:46, , 27F
這有提到前頭link(AUE / alt.usage.english)
01/20 04:46, 27F

01/21 14:58, , 28F
01/21 14:58, 28F

08/06 07:08, , 29F
感謝你的回答 https://noxiv.com
08/06 07:08, 29F

09/06 23:39, , 30F
再說,日行一善也只是大 https://daxiv.com
09/06 23:39, 30F
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