Re: [心得] Teamson Design Corp 工作經驗 合約/出差

看板Salary (工作職場)作者時間7年前 (2016/11/25 11:15), 編輯推噓0(228)
留言12則, 8人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
嗨, 我是Teamson的執行長,也是上一篇文章提及的「在美國的老闆」。 很抱歉我的中文不是很好,所以也附上了一份我親自寫的英文版本。 首先,我要感謝大家在這裡分享的反饋。雖然Teamson自1997年成立於美國紐約, 但我們3年前才在台灣台北成立辦公室並試運行MA計劃。 在台北辦公室成立後的第一年和第二年的大部分時間裡, 我們只有3至4名團隊成員,無論是組織文化、管理與工作方式, 都更像是一間年輕的初創公司。過去一年的拓展中,台北辦公室的團隊成員增加了三倍, 然而由於快速擴張、文化差異,以及我們的管理團隊大部分都在美國, 台灣缺少有經驗的團隊成員,一路走來,我們確實犯了一些錯誤。 我真誠地向那些對公司有更高的期望,而曾經對我們失望的團隊成員表示歉意。 我們現階段的任務,是關注正在和我們一起努力的團隊成員, 確保所有的付出能夠讓團隊成長,進而帶來優渥的報酬。 我們每天與世界上最著名的零售和電子商務公司,如Amazon、Target、Wayfair、 Costco、天貓、京東等,一起參與品牌的策略和執行工作, 我們每天也在累積美國,加拿大,英國,德國,智利,中國,韓國等 國際電子商務的實務經驗。我們的確不完美,但我們正在改善。 現在我們的團隊有經驗豐富的成員和專業HR,以幫助我們檢視公司管理政策, 並研究和實施改進的方法,以提高我們團隊成員在工作過程的滿意度。 再次感謝各位的反饋,我們將檢討這些意見, 建立一個無論讓前團隊成員或現在的成員都能引以為豪的全球知名品牌, 並確保這個經驗是美好而愉快的。 Hi, I am the President of Teamson. The “Boss” in the US mentioned in this post. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for the feedback shared here. It is much appreciated. Although we have been established in NY, USA since 1997, 19 years ago, our Taiwan office is only 3 years old. We only had 3~4 teammates in Taipei for the most part of the first and second year, and only in the past year have we dramatically expand the Taipei office, tripling its size. However, our office in Taipei is really more akin to a young start-up, and we have certainly made some mistakes due to the quick expansion, the cultural differences, and the fact our management team is mostly based in the US and we lacked experienced managers in Taiwan. My sincere apologies to those who have high hopes for us that were not met. Our primary focus is on our teammates who are with us, who are doing amazing work and many are involved in the strategic and brand level globally with some of the most famous retail and e-commerce companies in the world, such as Amazon, Wayfair, Costco, T-Mall, etc, to make sure they are well compensated for hard work and our brands growth. We are confident in the real-world experience that our teammates are learning in the global e-commerce arena working with channels in diverse countries such as US, Canada, UK, Germany, Chile, Korea, etc., and not just on the Greater China market for many brand offices in Taiwan. We are bringing more experienced managers and also professional HR to help us review our policies, and improve the experience of our teammates. Thank you again for the feedback, we appreciate them, and will use them to help our teammates have a more enjoyable time with us while we try to build global brands that our teammates, whether former or current, can be proud of. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

11/25 11:57, , 1F
出差給日支費照政府標準一半也好 是high hope...
11/25 11:57, 1F

11/25 12:50, , 2F
11/25 12:50, 2F

11/25 13:19, , 3F
11/25 13:19, 3F

11/25 14:25, , 4F
Red tape, balabala
11/25 14:25, 4F

11/25 20:11, , 5F
11/25 20:11, 5F

11/25 21:23, , 6F
11/25 21:23, 6F

11/25 21:24, , 7F
11/25 21:24, 7F

11/25 23:27, , 8F
雖然我英文不好 但你下面的英文信真的是Native Speaker
11/25 23:27, 8F

11/25 23:27, , 9F
11/25 23:27, 9F

11/25 23:28, , 10F
而且這裡是薪水版 你寫的像是給投資人看的
11/25 23:28, 10F

11/26 04:41, , 11F
11/26 04:41, 11F

11/26 08:32, , 12F
11/26 08:32, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1ODwp5_5 (Salary)
文章代碼(AID): #1ODwp5_5 (Salary)