[履歷] 第二份工作自傳求批(含英文自傳)科技業

看板Salary (工作職場)作者 (Ding)時間6年前 (2018/08/23 01:10), 6年前編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 4人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
個人學經歷背景: 國立大學學士 欲應徵之職務: 科技業 工程師 自傳履歷內容: 爬了一些文 已經去掉很多不太重要的敘述 主要是英文自傳的部分可能比較有問題 自傳如下 還請各位大大幫忙提供建議 感謝 中文部分 ﹝個人簡歷﹞   我畢業於國立XX大學--機械與機電工程學系,個性開朗樂觀, 喜歡循序漸進的處理問題。大學期間參加兒服相關的服務性社團,曾 擔任社團的活動長及器材長,負責活動流程編列和內容籌劃;以及器 材準備和點檢等。 ﹝工作經歷﹞   役畢後的第一份工作任職於台南的XXX公司--一間螺帽製造廠, 於公司內擔任後製股的模具設計員一職。後製股負責的範圍是螺帽成 型之外的所有加工製程,例如攻牙、車削及包裝等的模具設計及技術 提供。於公司中負責的工作項目如下: 1.攻牙機模具設計:依照產品尺寸及外形設計模具。 2.多軸鑽孔機模具設計:依照產品要求設計各軸加工動作及模具設計。 3.CNC/NC車床模具設計:依照產品尺寸及外形設計模具。 4.現場工程異常排除:提供測試計畫或修改模具,協助現場排除異常。 5.包裝材料BOM表資料建立:建立現場作業時之標準用料及包裝資料。 6.新產品攻牙評估:新產品詢價時評估攻牙可行性。 7.主管交辦測試專案:驗證產品特性能否符合標準、測試新產品之可行 性等。 ﹝未來期許﹞   在XXX公司近三年的時光,認識了很多資深的前輩,他們的經驗之 深令人佩服。讓我難解的問題,只要請教前輩們,總是能得到解決的脈 絡。期許自己有朝一日能成為這樣的人,在自己的專業領域中能暢所欲 言,面對問題時能夠一語中的。   我將以積極的心態面對每一件挑戰,並將所學融會貫通,與貴公司 共同精進。懇請貴公司給我這個機會加入行列。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 英文部分 ﹝Resume﹞ I graduated from the National XXX University with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical and Electromechanical Engineering. I am a cheerful and optimistic person, and I tend to deal with problems step by step to ensure that everything is on the track. During the university, I participated in a volunteer club. I have served as the leader of activity and director of tools & materials of the club, responsible for the planing of activity process and content planning, as well as equipment preparation and inspection. ﹝Work experience﹞ My first job was at XXX Corp., a manufacturer of steel nuts. I worked as a mold engineer in the post-production department, responsible for all processes except forming, such as tapping, prevailing torque, turning and packaging. My jobs were as follows: 1.Mold designing of tapping machine : design the molds according to the size and shape of the product. 2.Mold designing of drilling machine : set up each axis machining action and design mold according to the product requirements. 3.Mold designing of CNC/NC lathe: design the mold according to the size and shape of the product. 4.Troubleshooting of production line engineering exceptions: Provide test plans or modify molds to solve the problem of the production line. 5.Establishing packaging parts BOM data: set up the standard of packaging process. 6.Evaluating the feasibility of New product: evaluate the feasibility of tapping when the new product is inquired. 7.Completing the projects assigned by manager: for example, verifying whether the product characteristics meet the standards and testing the feasibility of special parts. [Summary] I can always face every challenge with a positive attitude, and integrate what I learn to improve myself with you. I hope your company offer me this opportunity to join you. 英文自傳是照中文翻過來的 不過英文的文法有一些真的不知如何表達 先謝謝大家了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Salary/M.1534957808.A.FC8.html ※ 編輯: thegodofding (, 08/23/2018 01:10:55

08/23 01:31, 6年前 , 1F
08/23 01:31, 1F

08/23 01:52, 6年前 , 2F
08/23 01:52, 2F

08/23 02:11, 6年前 , 3F
08/23 02:11, 3F

08/23 02:26, 6年前 , 4F
08/23 02:26, 4F

09/19 18:52, 6年前 , 5F
09/19 18:52, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1RVPZm_8 (Salary)
文章代碼(AID): #1RVPZm_8 (Salary)