Re: [請益] 請教分散時間投資已刪文

看板Foreign_Inv (海外投資)作者 (一期一會)時間2年前 (2021/09/10 22:29), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《au5 (......)》之銘言: : 2)如果將他當借錢來看,以SPY為例: : SPY目前現股價格449,假設我付出$223.5的權利金,買一個2023/12到期、且執行價格在230 : 元的買權,是否可視為大約付出4.5元去借230元,且最遠可以借到2023/12。如果我決定到 : 期執行,兩年後我付出230元買下現股,如果跟現在相比漲價當然很好,如果漲不夠或跌價 : 我就繼續持有現股,上面這樣算起來借貸成本似乎不高? 按照 no-arbitrage principle 歐式選擇權會遵守 put-call parity equation C + PV(D) + PV(K) = S + P 以SPX為例 (SPY是美式選擇權,不必遵守 put-call parity equation ) As of 9/09/2021 05:04:25 PM underlying = 4493 2023 Dec,Strike Price 2300 call 是 2142 x 2190,中價 2166 put 是 66.00 x 73.40,中價 69.7 取中價帶入 2166 + PV(D) + PV(K) = 4493 + 69.7 2023/12 到期的 treasuries 利率約 0.27% 將 2300 以公債利率折現到現值 PV(K) = 2300/(1 + 0.27%)^(825/365) = 2286.03 => PV(D) = 110.67 按中價估計,未來的 Dividend 的現值約 110.67 ====== 把 put-call parity equation 移項整理: C - P = S - PV(D) - PV(K) 用 ask 買進 call,用 bid 賣出 put 組成 synthetic long 2190 - 66 = 4493 - 110.67 - PV(K) PV(K) = 2258.33 = 2300/(1 + r)^(825/365) => r = 0.81% (不過真的要組成 synthetic long,通常會使用 near the money option ) 如果你沒有把 put 賣掉,可能是 *1. 這個put在你心目中很有價值,出價低於100的話,你寧願自己留著 *2. 這個put對你而言價值為0,但你不知道有人願意用 66 買走 *1: 2190 - 100 = 4493 -110.67 - PV(K) PV(K) = 2292.33 2292.33 = 2300/(1 + r)^(825/365) => r = 0.15% *2: 2190 - 0 = 4493 - 110.67 - PV(K) PV(K) = 2192.33 2192.33 = 2300/(1 + r)^(825/365) => r = 2.14% ====== 不過如果挑不同的strike去算 會發現算出來的 PV(D) 有些不同 帶入後得出來的 r 也會有些不同 -- You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, Know when to walk away and know when to run. You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table. There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done. 'Cause ev'ry hand's a winner and ev'ry hand's a loser, And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep." now Ev'ry gambler knows that the secret to survivin' Is knowin' what to throw away and knowing what to keep. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
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文章代碼(AID): #1XEskofn (Foreign_Inv)