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瓊瑤的夢與真 Chiung Yao: Truth and Dreams 作者:程筱軒 譯者:Peter Hill 中英文來源:光華雜誌 日期:1986年10月 每天晚上八點,全台灣有百分之四十二的電視機準時轉到這個頻道,螢幕前的觀眾也隨劇 中人的恩怨纏綿,而情緒起伏。電視劇的受歡迎,使瓊瑤同名的原著「煙雨濛濛」,在出 版廿二年後,又登上暢銷書排行榜,一個星期就銷出萬本。 Every evening at eight o'clock, 42 percent of the television sets on Taiwan are tuned in to "Misty Rain." This romantic drama is based on the novel of the same name by Chiung Yao; a novel which, although written 20 years ago, is presently on the best seller list and sells around 10,000 copies per week. 「瓊瑤熱」再度燒到沸點。 "Chiung Yao fever" is again at the boiling point. 從民國五十二年發表長篇小說「窗外」,並就此成名後,瓊瑤穩固地築起自己的文學堡壘 ;現在十五歲到四十歲之間的人,很少沒有看過她的小說。 Since the appearance of the novel Beyond the Window in 1963, Chiung Yao has been steadily, book by book, building her literary castle. 至今,她共出過四十二本書,內容全不出一個「情」字;然而,本本暢銷,還有三本被翻 成日文;她的小說被拍成五十幾部電影,是國內作家中最多的;她在香港和南洋一帶的名 聲,不遜於電影界的任何一個大明星;最近,她的魅力席捲大陸,在海峽對岸風靡了無數 年輕人。 So far she has published 42 books, of which three have been translated into Japanese; over 50 films have been made from her works. Her popularity extends beyond Taiwan to young people in Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, and, recently, the Chinese mainland. @最喜歡「陸依萍」 而對賦予這些人物生命的瓊瑤來說,在創造過的幾百個人中,她自己最喜歡那一個? Among the hundreds of characters she has created, who does she like best? 「『窗外』中有最多自己的影子,早期的我,還有我對人生的看法、心態;不過,論人物 ,我還是最喜歡『煙雨濛濛』裡的陸依萍;」 "Beyond the Window contained the most of me, as well as the most of my philosophy of life. Still, I think my favorite character is Lu I-ping from Misty Rain." 瓊瑤笑著說:「她尖銳、敢愛敢恨、敢說敢做,我心裡想卻不敢說的話她都說出來了!」 She laughs: "She is very straightforward, and dares to love, to hate, to say, to do. She'll say many things that I don't dare say myself!" 像她筆下曾經令無數情竇初開的少男少女,為之癡狂心醉的女主角一樣,瓊瑤本人也有一 種悠閒夢幻的氣質。她說話的語調輕柔和緩,帶種素淨端莊的神韻,配上披肩長髮,雖已 年過四十,見到她,還是不免令人想起她小說中常用的形容——不食人間煙火。 Like many of her young heroines, Chiung Yao has the temperament of a carefree dreamer. Her manner befits a common description in her novels: "in, but not of, this world." 可是,當話匣子打開,談到她的寫作、日常生活,甚至外界對她的讚譽與批評時;眼前的 瓊瑤,原本淡漠的眉宇剎時化成熾熱的坦然,眼神裏也流露出童稚捉狹的笑意,聲調、語 氣都不自覺地急促活絡起來。輕柔似水、禮貌而拘謹的瓊瑤,變成了會自嘲、會講笑話、 開朗活潑的另一個人。 Yet when the topic turns to her writing, her life, or the views others have of her work, the gentle, polite, soft-spoken women becomes like another person: lively, joke-cracking, vigorous. @夢的愛好者 在平常的日子裡,瓊瑤「只有寫作時最嚴肅」——她的一個朋友形容。 According to a friend, Chiung Yao is only serious when she is writing. 寫作時,她整天關在書房內,不見訪客、不接電話,把自己埋進故事中;除了吃飯、睡覺 ,徹日徹夜地寫,直到作品完成。通常,在她「閉關」二、三十天後,一本小說誕生了, 她的體重也減輕了幾公斤。 When working on a novel she will close herself in her study, taking neither visitors nor phone calls, for 20 to 30 days, and do nothing but write, sleep, and eat. Then she'll emerge, usually a few pounds lighter, and usually with a completed novel. 除了寫作,瓊瑤還喜歡繡花、彈電子琴、畫國畫。她是那種充滿狂熱,興致一來,可以一 頭栽進去的人。沉迷於繡花時,家裏的餐巾、椅墊都是自己繡的;學電子琴時,每天練習 時間超過九小時;最近她熱中於國畫,家裏到處掛滿她的習作。 Besides writing, she enjoys embroidery, playing the organ, and painting. Whatever she does, she immerses herself completely in it. When it's organ-playing, she'll practice nine hours a day. Most recently it has been painting, so her studies are hung up all over the house. 對瓊瑤來說,這些都和寫作一樣,是創造一種美。一字字的寫、一針針的繡、一個個音符 的流瀉、一筆筆的描繪;「當完成時,你就會體驗到,美,就是快樂」,她說。 Whatever she does, it is just another way of creating beauty. As she says, "Beauty is just happiness." 對瓊瑤的描述,或許她的先生——皇冠雜誌社發行人平鑫濤所說的最為貼切。「瓊瑤是夢 的愛好者」,他說:「而我當然就是這些夢的執行者。」 Her husband, Crown magazine publisher Ping Hsin-tao, puts it another way: "Chiung Yao likes to dream; I like to make them come true." 對於休閒活動,瓊瑤說:「真正的休閒」是出國旅行;「日常的休閒」是吃過晚飯後和平 鑫濤聊天,一起看錄影帶,當然還有看小說。 Her favorite leisure activity, she says, is travelling abroad. But on a day-to-day basis, she enjoys talking with her husband after dinner, watching video tapes, and, of course, reading novels. 「有一次鑫濤看我那麼辛苦地找各種中外小說來看,乾脆就為我出版了一套『當代文學名 著』系列。」瓊瑤笑著表示,現在這套書每週出版一本,使她馬上可以看到最新的當代翻 譯名著。 "When my husband saw how hard I was looking for foreign novels, he started publishing a collection of contemporary foreign works." Now she has a new volume to look at each week. 「從沒有看過一個丈夫,這樣把太太捧在手心上」,他們的一位熟朋友說。 Says one friend, "I've never seen a husband take such care of his wife." @愈來愈多「有情人終成眷屬」 寫了廿多年,都是驚心動魄的愛情故事,但瓊瑤小說的結局,似乎已漸從早期的「此情可 待成追憶」,轉變成後來的「有情人終成眷屬」。「那表示我的心越來越柔軟了啊」,瓊 瑤表示,生活境遇的轉換,不自覺地會發抒在筆下。 Over the years, the outcomes of her novels have changed from "this passion we'll remember" to "'till death do us part," "That's because my heart has softened.'" she says. It also has something to do with an early unhappy marriage. "At that time I was too young," she explains. "Now I know how to cherish, how to love for good." 寫「窗外」時,正是她最失意的時候。她帶著一歲多的兒子,過著情感孤寂、物質匱乏的 生活,一切情緒盡入筆下,演化成一對對癡情兒女、一段段錐心刺骨的戀情。 At the time of the writing of Beyond the Window, she had a year-old child, was lonely and poor, and all of her disappointment came out through her pen. The result was a story of senseless passion, a story which many readers found unrealistic, but which made them very curious about Chiung's own marriage and love life. "Love is a beautiful thing, but marriage is a practical affair," she says. "They're different. Of course, love should continue after marriage, but it must be a different love from the mad, passionate kind. Discovering that love is the only way to be happy in marriage. 「愛情是很美的東西,但婚姻卻是實際的生活;真正的愛情絕對存在,只是並非人人都能 擁有。我覺得愛情和婚姻是不同的,結婚以後也應該繼續愛;雖然這種愛沒有那麼狂熱, 但卻要追求另一種『情趣』,這樣才能得到真正的幸福。」 Before, my novels were about love only. But in fact, real love starts with marriage. So in the future I'm going to write some novels about marriage." 「以前我的小說總是寫到愛情為止,其實真正的愛情,應該從結婚開始」,她認真地說: 「以後我想寫些談結婚以後的小說。」 With fame, of course, comes criticism. "Empty," "weak," "gloomy," are among the criticisms that have been leveled at her work. 不可否認,瓊瑤小說風靡海內外廿多年,但卻是「譽之所至,謗亦隨之」,「虛幻」、「 不健康」、「灰色」等,都是常見的批評。 "Some say my works are "parlor novels;" that's true, but I think they reflect contemporary society. 「有人說我寫的都是客廳、餐廳、咖啡廳的『三廳』作品,但事實上這跟社會背景有關; 現代人的生活原本如此,故意逃開這些,反而不寫實」, 瓊瑤委屈地說:「有人問我為什麼不去描寫同性戀、妓女,乃至軍人跟國家,事實上這些 都超脫於我的經驗範圍,我寫不出來。」 Others ask me why I don't write about homosexuality or prostitution. I don't because I can't; such things are outside the scope of my experience. 「我的小說其實也不全寫愛情,像『人在天涯』描寫的是兄弟之愛,『煙雨濛濛』描寫的 是父女之愛,都不止於男女之愛。」 Anyway, not all of my novels are about love affairs. For example, Misty Rain is about the love between a father and his daughter." 「我覺得自己很渺小,只希望隨心所欲的寫作,過一種沒有壓力的生活。我的小說至今也 無定論,甚至可能以後一點份量也沒有,但我希望大家不要對我期望過高; "I feel very insignificant, actually. I like to live without pressure, to write what I want to write. I can't satisfy everyone's tastes, but there are many good writers on Taiwan, so no one should have to bear that burden." 無論對她的小說有多少批評,但幾乎沒有人不肯定她文筆的流暢、幽雅與生動。在通俗文 學的作家中,瓊瑤大概是最擅於引用古詩詞的一個,她許多小說的書名,也由此而來。 Everyone, critics and fans alike, agrees that her writing is fluid, refined, and full of vitality. Among non-literary writers, Chiung Yao probably uses the most classical verse in her works, often as the titles of her novels. 「我倒沒有刻意去經營對白,只是戀愛中的男女常常會變成詩人;就像『聚散兩依依』裏 有一句:『你的過去我來不及加入,你的未來必須是我的!』這句話後來拍成電影時,覺 得演員說得有點肉麻,可是我還是很為這句話驕傲」,瓊瑤說。 "The speech of lovers is often naturally poetic, as when one of my characters says, 'It's too late for me to enter your past; but your future must be mine!' I'm rather proud of that line." 對於近來大陸上流行她的小說,瓊瑤覺得得驚奇,她不解,大陸上怎麼會出版她的書? She is a little surprised by the popularity of her books on the Chinese mainland. 「也許是我的小說都很溫馨,多數描寫男女之愛,而這些正是人性的基本需求。」 "Perhaps," she says, "it's because my books are about love, something common to all people." 有位女作家曾說,她小時候是個標準的「瓊瑤迷」,但是後來「我長大了,瓊瑤沒有跟著 一起長大,就不愛看了。」這或許也是許多瓊瑤讀者的心路歷程;但在一代「長大」後, 新的一代馬上填補空缺,世間永遠有對愛情充滿憧憬的少年男女。 One woman writer has said that when she was young she was a big fan of Chiung Yao, but that she seemed to outgrow her. That is perhaps a common feeling; but there is always a new generation of young readers thirsting for romance. 為什麼瓊瑤的作品那麼受人們歡迎?女作家夏祖麗說得好:「主要是她抓住了年輕人的心 理。年輕人是最愛幻想的,她書中的女主角都有一種嬌美、柔弱動人的樣子,都很任性, 有強烈的自尊和相當自負的性格,都有一段神秘曲折而不平凡的身世和生活,這也是許多 年輕人嚮往的。」 As Hsia Tsu-li, another writer, says: "Chiung Yao's books are popular because she speaks the hearts and minds of young people. Her heroines are charming, tender, yet strong-willed and self respecting, and they lead interesting lives. Such are the dreams of youth." 從「窗外」,一直到她最新的作品「冰兒」,都普受年輕人歡迎, All of her books, from Beyond the Window to her latest work, Ping Er, have been very popular with younger readers. 但瓊瑤卻說:「我發現自己真的老了,最近我兒子和我聊天,我連他們的語言都不懂了; 而且我覺得現在好像每個人都失去了一份『閒情』。有一天或許我會再寫點不同的東西。 」 But, she says, "I've realized I'm getting old. I don't even understand the language my children speak. Also, I think the attitudes of young people are different. They're less carefree. Someday, I may write something a little different." 這會不會是瓊瑤風格的轉變?內容會是「寫實」還是仍舊「夢幻」?只有時間和瓊瑤自己 能解答。 Is that an indication there will be a change in Chiung Yao's style? Only time, and Chiung Yao, can answer that question. (全文完) https://www.facebook.com/leehotranslation/posts/pfbid02ZMGRYZYUpRcUeYqnvbXpfwGdiBbaQQPZmPaEPRPe55uGrrKRwrENCvLJ6Kwu64NZl -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-IcfdJO7w0&t=7s
揭害台醫輕生的「波波醫全名」!美女醫怒:醫院霸凌不只這件 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1733105835.A.144.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Translation/M.1733841406.A.F11.html

12/14 16:54, 2月前 , 1F
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01/03 14:57, 1年前 , 2F
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