討論串[求譯] 一個句子
共 31 篇文章
請問. The second most frequent surgery type was AE without removal of the tonsils,followed by TO, which was almost solely performed in combination with
The expansion of the Shelter from its limited capacity has been in stages.. Shelter是指庇護之家,因為我不確定in stages在此該做何解,整句有點不知道怎麼翻. 是指庇護之家空間太小所以沒辦法擴建嗎?. 還請高手解
作業請用電子郵件(email)一章一章分段寄出. 這句話用英文怎樣表達比較好?. 感謝. (有時看似簡單的句子翻起來卻覺得很難.....orz). --. i'm looking for my corner of the sky. where i can learn to fly again. do