Re: [英中] 量表中的一句英文
看板Translation (筆譯/翻譯)作者pentimento (pentimento)時間14年前 (2011/03/19 00:35)推噓2(2推 0噓 25→)留言27則, 4人參與討論串3/3 (看更多)
※ 引述《martinchiu (Attitude)》之銘言:
: I am less productive at work, school, or home because of the time I spend
: pulling or covering up my hair loss.
: 因花費太多時間在拔毛髮或掩飾掉髮的區塊上,我在工作、學校、家裡的時候,
: 做起事情來會比較沒有效率。
我把原 po 的關鍵字抓來餵狗吃,吐出來一篇博士論文,其中某表格
Table 8
HDIS Items for the Three Factor Solution
Item Item Content/Factor
HDIS17 I avoid going to doctors because of my hair loss. (e.g., physician,
optometrist, dentist, OB/GYN)
HDIS15 I am less productive at work, school, or home because of the time I
spend pulling or covering up my hair loss.
HDIS5 I feel unattractive because of my pulling.
HDIS6 There are times when pulling really gets me down.
at work: 工作中
at school: 唸書時
at home: 沒事時 三者指時間,而非地點
hair 根據原論文,應該是指頭髮
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
※ 編輯: pentimento 來自: (03/19 00:37)
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